Banking Awareness Quiz for SBI PO Mains – 99

Banking Awareness Quiz for SBI PO Mains – 99
1) Exim Bank extends________ LoC to SBM (Mauritius) Infrastructure company Ltd?
a) $ 400 m
b) $ 600 m
c) $ 700 m
d) $ 300 m
e) $ 500 m
2) Which of the following central bank fined Credit Suisse and United Overseas Bank (UOB) a total of S$1.6 million ($1.15 million) for breaches of anti -money laundering rules for transactions related to Malaysia‟s scandal – ridden state fund 1MDB?
a) China
b) Singapore
c) U.S.A
d) Australia
e) United Kingdom
3) What is the growth rate projected for Indian economy in 2017 – 18 and 2019 – 20 by World Bank?
a) 7.1% & 7.6%
b) 7.2% & 7.7%
c) 6.8% & 7.1%
d) 7.2% & 7.4%
e) 7.4% & 7.7%
4) The Central government will not bring back its proposal to decrease the rate of deduction from salary towards provident fund (PF) savings from 12% to____.
a) 11%
b) 8%
c) 10%
d) 7%
e) 6%
5) Which of the following bank has signed an agreement with HDFC Asset Management Ltd (HDFCAML) to sell the mutual fund products of HDFCAML?
a) Karnataka Bank
b) Punjab Bank
c) Yes Bank
d) Axis Bank
e) Union Bank
6) What is the rank of India in the women workforce index released by world bank?
a) 100 th
b) 91st
c) 120th
d) 131th
e) 141th
7) Which bank was launched a new trading platform called as “Selfie”?
a) Union Bank
b) Axis Bank
c) State Bank of India
d) Federal Bank
e) South Indian Bank
8) The Central government has set a target
to construct 12 lakh houses under Pradhan Mantri
Awas Yojana (Urban) in ______?
a) 2016 – 17
b) 2017 – 18
c) 2018 – 19
d) 2017 – 20
e) 2017 – 22
9) How much amount of loan has been sanctioned by the Asian Infrastructure
Investment Bank (AIIB) to strengthen the power transmission and distribution system in Andhra Pradesh?
a) USD 175 million
b) USD 170 million
c) USD 150 million
d) USD 110 million
e) USD 160 million
10) As per the data released by Asian Development Bank (ADB), the Indian economy will grow ____ per cent this fiscal year.
a) 7.0%
b) 7.2%
c) 7.6%
d) 7.5%
e) 7.4%