Under consortium financing, the banks formally join, by way of an inter- se agreement, to meet the credit needs of the borrowers, In case of project financing, the banks and term lending institutions come together. As per Oct 1996 credit policy, RBI allowed the individual consortium, to frame their own norms for consortium lending.
Compulsory consortium formation: Banks have to ensure that their exposure does not exceed the prudent credit exposure ceiling (max 15 % of their capital fund for individual borrowers and 40 % for group borrowers).
No. of banks and new banks- There is no ceiling on the no. of banks to participate. Without the consent of the existing consortium members, no bank can extend any credit facility.
Disposal of loan application- 60 days ( 45 for export) for fresh loans or enhancements, 45 days (30) for renewal and 30 days (15) for ad hoc facilities. Where the participating banks are unable to adhere to the time frame, borrowers are free to bring in new banks.
Appraisal- The lead banks is responsible for preparation of appraisal note, its circulation, arrangement for convening meeting etc. It receives fee from the borrower for this.
Documentation- The documents are obtained under the Single Window Scheme, i.e. for all banks, one set of documents is obtained.
Asset classification- Each bank is to classify the loan account, according to conduct of accounts with the bank concerned, irrespective of the classification with other banks.
Post sanction follow βup : Regular meeting of consortium members is a normal requirement where the banks share information about conduct of account & performance of the borrowing unit.
Interest Rateβ Since Jan 1995, the banks can fix their own rates.
Charge on securities: The banks have pari β passu charge over the securities which means they share the charge in the ratio of their exposure approved by the consortium through a formal agreement.