Crack IBPS Clerk Prelims : Coding and Decoding day 19

Crack IBPS Clerk Prelims : Coding and Decoding day 19
D.1-4) These questions are based on the following information.
In a certain code bless morning at temple is written as ˜lj cn kp tu, Good speech at work is written as ˜mu na nq lj, Good luck to you is written as ˜ki ka nq pa, You bless speech smart is written as ˜mu lu tu ki. (all codes are two letters).
1) What is the possible code for God bless you?
a) nq tu ki
b) ki na pa
c) ki tu mu
d) tu ma ki
e) ma na sa
2) what is the code for you work good ?
a) na ki ka
b) nq na ki
c) ka ki pa
d) ki na pa
e) none of these.
3) What does the code ˜kp stands for?
a) at
b) bless
c) either ˜temple or ˜morning
d) speech
e) none of these
4) What is the code for luck?
a) ki
b) ka
c) pa
d) nq
e) cant be determined
5) If cargo is written as ˜xzitl then how should ˜weight to be written ?
a) dvrstg
b) dvrtgs
c) dvtrsg
d) dvrtsg
e) None of these.
6) If ˜meet is written as ˜+**$ and ˜play is written as ˜©#-@ then ˜$*+©#* implies?
a) a) temple
b) tempel
c) metepl
d) pletem
e) none of these.
7) ˜science is coded as ˜tdjfodf in a code language how ˜maths is coded in the language ?
a) nbugt
b) nbsit
c) nbuit
d) nbsgt
e) none of these
8) If ˜remember is coded as ˜rebmemer. How will be ˜complete coded ?
a) etmocple
b) plecomet
c) etelpmoc
d) ocpmelet
e) none of these.
9) If ˜mixed is coded as ˜edxmi, what is code for beans ?
a) snaeb
b) nsabe
c) ebasn
d) ebsan
e) None of these
10) If EARTHQUAKE is coded as EKAUQHTRAE then ELECTORATE will be coded as ?
e) None of these
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