Sentence Improvement
1. He lay on the grass enjoying the sunshine.
(a) laid
(b) lied
(c) led
(d) no improvement
2. Some passengers were flown to Paris on the last trip.
(a) fled
(b) flied
(c) flew
(d) no improvement
3. Fifty miles are a long distance to walk.
(a) is
(b) become
(c) be
(d) no improvement
4. After the vote was taken the meeting broke.
(a) broke down
(b) broke up
(c) broke out
(d) no improvement
5. The speaker asked the audience to bear upon him for a few minutes more.
(a) on
(b) with
(c) for
(d) no improvement
6. More than one person was killed in the accident.
(a) were killed
(b) are killed
(c) have been killed
(d) no improvement
7. I am used to hard work.
(a) work hard
(b) work hardly
(c) working
(d) no improvement
8. They were working as usually.
(a) usual
(b) as usual
(c) usually
(d) no improvement
9. Show long do you think Mr. Kamal knew john?
(a) will know
(b) knows
(c) has known
(d) no improvement
10. You must complete this work up to Sunday.
(a) within Sunday
(b) by Sunday
(c) until Sunday
(d) no improvement
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