Important Abbreviations in Banking

Important Abbreviations in Banking
1. ACF β Auto-Correlation Function
2. AD β Authorized Dealer
3. ADB β Asian Development Bank
4. ADR β American Depository Receipt
5. AFS β Annual Financial Statement
6. AGM β Annual General Meeting
7. ASSOCHAM β Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India
8. AMFI β Association of Mutual Funds in India
9. ALM β Asset Liability Management
10. ATM β Automated Teller Machine
11. BIS β Bank for International Settlements
12. BOP β Balance of Payments
13. BCBS β Basel Committee on Banking Supervision
14. BSR β Basic Statistical Returns
15. BSE β Bombay Stock Exchange
16. CAD β Capital Account Deficit
17. CAG β Comptroller and Auditor General of India
18. CAR β Cash Adequacy Ratio
19. CBS β Core Banking Solution
20. CCEA β Comprehensive Economic Cooperation Agreement
21. CDBS β Committee of Direction of Banking Statistics
22. CEPA β Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement
23. CFRA β Combined Finance and Revenue Accounts
24. CGRA β Currency and Gold Revaluation Account
25. CIBIL β Credit Information Bureau (India) Limited
26. CII β Confederation of Indian Industries
27. CPI β Consumer Price Index
28. CRR β Cash Reserve Ratio
29. DICGC β Deposit Insurance and Credit Guarantee Corporation
30. DTAA β Double Taxation Avoidance Agreement
31. ECB β External Commercial Borrowing
32. ECS β Electronic Clearing Service
33. EEFC β Exchange Earnerβs Foreign Currency
34. EFSF β European Financial Stability Facility
35. EXIM β Export-Import Bank of India
36. FCA β Foreign Currency Assets
37. FCNRA β Foreign Currency Non-resident Account
38. FDI β Foreign Direct Investment
39. FERA β Foreign Exchange Regulation Act
40. FICCI β Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce and Industry
41. FII β Foreign Institutional Investor
42. FIMMDA β Fixed Income Money Markets and Derivatives Association
43. FINO β Financial Inclusion Network Operation
44. FIPB β Foreign Investment Promotion Board
45. FPI β Foreign Portfolio Investment
46. FSDC β Financial Stability and Development Council
47. FSLRC β Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
48. FTA β Free Trade Agreement
49. GDP β Gross Domestic Product
50. GDR β Global Depository Receipt
51. GFD β Gross Fiscal Deficit
52. GIRO β Government Internal Revenue order
53. GAAR β General Anti Avoidance Rule
54. HDFC β Housing Development Finance Corporation
55. SLR β Statutory Liquidity Ratio
56. ICICI β Industrial Credit and Investment Corporation of India
57. IDBI β Industrial Development Bank of India
58. IMF β International Monetary Fund
59. IPO β Initial Public Offering
60. LAF β Liquidity Adjustment Facility
61. LIBOR β London Inter Bank offered Rate
62. MIBOR β Mumbai Inter β Bank Offer Rate
63. NABARD β National Bank of Agricultural and Rural Development
64. NASSCOM β National Association of Software and Services Companies
65. NBFC β Non-Banking and Finance Companies
66. NEFT β National Electronic Funds Transfer System
67. NSE β National Stock Exchange
68. NPA β Non Performing Assets
69. OMO β Open Market Operations
70. RTGS β Real Time Gross Settlement
71. SSC β Selective Credit Control
72. SHGs β Self Help Groups
73. SEBI β Securities and Exchange Board of India
74. SIDBI β Small Industries and Development Bank of India
75. WPI β Wholesale Price Index
76. MFI β Micro Financial Institution
77. IFI β International Financial Institution
78. FSR β Financial Stability Report
79. MFSS β Mutual Fund Service System
80. FRA β Financial Redressal Agency
81. FSLRC β Financial Sector Legislative Reforms Commission
82. IPR β Intellectual Property Rights
83. AIIB β Asian Infrastructure Investment bank
84. ETF β Exchange Traded Funds
85. NPS β New Pension Scheme
86. EDFC β Eastern Dedicated Freight Corridor
87. OCAS β Online Customer Acquisition Solution
88. SDR β Strategic Debt Restructuring
89. RSOC β Rapid Survey On Children
90. FSSAI β Food Safety & Standard Authority of India
91. SECC β Socio Economic & Caste Census
92. PPI β Prepaid payment Instrument
93. OLP β Online Learning Portal
94. UCT β Unconditional Cash Transfer
95. CCT β Conditional Cash Transfer
96. AEOI β Automatic Exchange Of Information
97. FATCA β Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act
98. NGN β New Generation Network