Inequalities – Beginner Series – Set 2
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Inequalities – Beginner Series – Set 2
D.1-5) In each of the following questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements followed by two conclusions. Study the statements carefully and answer the below questions.
Q.1) Statements:
M≤Q<R=S; S>T≥V
a) If conclusion I follows.
b) If conclusion II follows.
c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.
d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.
e) If both Conclusions I and II follow.
Q.2) Statements:
A≤C<D≤E=F; R≥G>E
a) If conclusion I follows.
b) If conclusion II follows.
c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.
d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.
e) If both Conclusions I and II follow.
Q.3) Statements:
P=Q<R≤T; Q≤Y=A≥C
a) If conclusion I follows.
b) If conclusion II follows.
c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.
d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.
e) If both Conclusions I and II follow.
Q.4) Statements:
M = R≤ J≤ K; J < I ≤ P > G
I.M<G II.G ≤ M
a) If conclusion I follows.
b) If conclusion II follows.
c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.
d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.
e) If both Conclusions I and II follow.
Q.5) Statements:
K ≤L=O, P≥Q > L, R > P = N
I.P > K II.N > L
a) If conclusion I follows.
b) If conclusion II follows.
c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.
d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.
e) If both Conclusions I and II follow.
D.6-10) In the following questions, the symbols %, $, @, *, # are used with the following meanings as illustrated below.
‘A @ B’ means ‘A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’.
‘A % B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor equal to B’.
‘A * B’ means ‘A is neither greater than nor smaller than B’.
‘A # B’ means ‘A is not greater than B’.
‘A $ B’ means ‘A is not smaller than B’.
Q.6) If the conclusions ‘B % N’ and ‘V $ L’ is definitely true, then which of the following statement logically satisfies the conclusion?
a) L $ Q @ N * O @ V % B * T
b) B % T % O @ N % V $ Q * L
c) T $ B % O * N # V $ Q * L
d) L * B * T % O @ V @ N * Q
e) None of these.
Q.7) If the following conclusion W % O and U @ T should always true, then which of the following statements logically satisfies the given conclusions?
a) W # J $ U # O # P * T % I
b) I * J * O % R # U @ W % T
c) O @ J * P % I @ W % U * T
d) W # J * P % O $ U * I @ T
e) None of these.
Q.8) If the following conclusions B % U and I # H should always true, then which of the following statements logically satisfies the given conclusions?
a) I % B % S * C % L $ J *H % U
b) B $ L # S * J # I % U @ C * H
c) L @ B % S * U $ I # J * H @ C
d) H * B % C @ S % I $ J * L @ U
e) None of these.
Q.9) In the following conclusions L # B should be false and B $ I should be true. Then which of the following statements logically satisfies the given conclusions?
a) B @ P % I * J #H $ M @ L # F
b) I $ P % L * J $ F $ M % I * B
c) M* P # B @ H # J # F @ L * I
d) H @ P % L * J # B $ M * I # F
e) None of these.
Q.10) In the following conclusions, C @ N should be false and N $ H should be true. Then which of the following statements logically satisfies the given conclusions?
a) N % B % M * C $ V @ H * S # O
b) C @ M * B @ H $ V * O @ S * N
c) C @ M @ B % N $ V $ H * S # O
d) C * M @ B % H $ V % S @ N @ O
e) None of these