New Pattern Coding and Decoding For SBI PO : Set – 50

Directions (1-5): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,

Word Coded Form Word Coded Form
MEET [5] [15] [15] [5] TALE [5] [30] [5] [30]
ONE [25] [5] [25] PUT [5] [10] [5]
SET [5] [10] [5] OLAP [0] [5] [0] [5]
COOK [5] [15] [15] [5] ATE [25] [5] [25]
PAIN [5] [20] [20] [5] POLE [5] [30] [5] [30]
UNIT [0] [5] [0] [5] NEAT [5] [20] [20] [5]


1) The words TOOL and ROLE are coded, but someone mixed their codes. From which of the following codes, the complete codes for these two words will be formed?

a) [5] [15] [15] [30] [15] [5] [30] [5]

b) [5] [5] [15] [30] [15] [5] [10] [5]

c) [5] [5] [15] [30] [15] [5] [30] [5]

d) [5] [5] [15] [30] [5] [5] [30] [5]

e) None of these

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See MEET and COOK. both have codes –  [5] [15] [15] [5]. So words in which second and third letters are same vowels, this code is used.
See UNIT and OLAP. Both have codes – [0] [5] [0] [5]. SO words in which 1
st and third letter are vowel have this as code
See NEAR and PAIN. they have codes –  [5] [20] [20] [5]. So words in which second and third letters are vowels but different, this code is used.
Similarly ATE and ONE

SET and PUT,


Now in Given words TOOL and ROLE, codes will be

TOOL – [5] [15] [15] [5] and ROLE – [5] [30] [5] [30]

So see the option in which all these are present, i.e 4 [5]’s, 2

[30]’s and 2 [15]’s.

2) The words OPEN and SIN are coded, but someone mixed their codes. From which of the following codes, the complete codes for these two words will be formed?

a) [0] [5] [15] [5] [0] [5] [10]

b) [0] [5] [5] [5] [0] [5] [10]

c) [0] [5] [5] [5] [5] [5] [10]

d) [10] [5] [5] [5] [0] [5] [10]

e) None of these

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OPEN – [0] [5] [0] [5]

SIN – [5] [10] [5]

3) Which of the following words can have codes from scrambled codes – [0] [0] [25] [5] [5] [25] [5]?



(iii) ORE MOOD


a) Only (i)

b) Only (ii)

c) Both (ii) and (iv)

d) Both (ii) and (iii)

e) None of these

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ARE – [25] [5] [25]

EVIL – [0] [5] [0] [5]  

4) Which of the following words can have codes from scrambled codes – [5] [30] [15] [5] [5] [15] [5] [30]?





a) Only (iii)

b) Both (i) and (iii)

c) Both (iii) and (iv)

d) Both (i) and (ii)

e) Only (i)

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LOOP – [5] [15] [15] [5], CODE – [5] [30] [5] [30]

DEEP – [5] [15] [15] [5], SALE – [5] [30] [5] [30]

5) Which of the following words can have codes from scrambled codes – [30] [5] [15] [5] [5] [30] [5] [15]?





a) Only (i)

b) Both (i) and (iii)

c) Both (ii) and (iv)

d) Both (i) and (iv)

e) None of these

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KEEP – [5] [15] [15] [5], DATE – [5] [30] [5] [30]

MOOD – [5] [15] [15] [5], DONE – [5] [30] [5] [30]

Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:

In a certain code,

She went to college′ is written as ′P27 I20 L29 T16′

′College is near station′ is written as ′N32 C21 R19 T16′

′He is going good′ is written as ′R19 D12 F34 W13′

′She could not work′ is written as ′Q10 E25 P27 U35′

6) Which of the following can be used to find out the code for ‘went’?

(i) C21 I20 K67 U35

(ii) I20 P27 L29 U38

(iii) V20 P27 K67 L29

(iv) C21 P20 N32 U35

a) (ii)

b) (ii) or (iv)

c) (i) or (iii)

d) (i) or (ii)

e) None of these

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From 1st code, she – P27 and college – T16
So ‘went’ is either I20 or L29 so if given that what codes (i) and (iii) stand for, the code for ‘went’ can be found. [because they contain either I20 or L29
in (ii) both are given, so cannot be found. In (iv) – neither is given so cant be found
So either (i) or (iii) can be used

7) Which of the following cannot be used to find the code for ‘work’?

a) C21 I20 K67 U35

b) I20 E25 L29 U38

c) Q10 P27 E25 L29

d) C21 P20 N32 Q10

e) None of these

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Work can be Q10 or E25 or U35. But C) contains both Q10 and E25

8) If the code for ‘going’ is ‘F34’, then which of the following can be used to find the code for ‘good’?

a) D12 W13 P27 L29

b) N32 U35 W13 L29

c) D12 L29 F34 W13

d) Q10 D12 R19 W13

e) None of these

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‘is’ – R19. So if ‘going’ is R34, then ‘good’ can be coded as D12

or W13.[/s

Only in B option, one of them is written. In other options both D12 and W13 are written so will benot be useful to find the code for ‘good’.

9) What could be the code for ‘college girl’?

a) T16 P27

b) T16 U35

c) A19 T16

d) D12 T16

e) None of these

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College – T16
Girl is not present anywhere in codes and so is A19

10) If ‘near’ is coded as ‘N32’, then what could be the code for ‘not station’

a) C21 P27

b) F34 C21

c) D12 C21

d) C21 I20

e) U35 C21

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In ′College is near station′ is written as  ′N32 C21 R19 T16′.
College – T16, is – R19. Now if near – N32, then station – C21.
Now in ′She could not work′ is written as  ′Q10 E25 P27 U35′
She – P27, so A cannot be the answer.
not can be Q10 or E25 or U35, none of which is present in B, C or D. In E U35 is there. So E) could be the code.