Seating Arrangement For SBI PO Set – 18

Seating Arrangement For SBI PO Set – 18
(1 – 5) Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions.
Seela, Seema, Sarath, Sachin, Suji, Suganthi, Saran and Supriya are eight friends seated in a straight line facing north.
Seela sits fourth to the left of Suganthi.
Suganthi sits either sixth from the left end of the line or fourth from the right end of the line.
Sachin sits second to the right of Sarath.
Sarath is not an immediate neighbour of suganthi.
Suji and Seema, are immediate neighbour of each other but neither suji nor seema sits at the extreme end of the line.
Only one person sits between Suji and Saran.
Saran does not sit at the extreme end of the line.
1) Who among the following sits exactly in the middle of the persons who sits second from the left and the person who sits fifth from the right?
a) Suganthi
b) Seema
c) Suji
d) Sachin
e) Seela
2) If ‘Seela’ is related to ‘Seema’ and ‘Sachin’ is related to ‘Suji’ in a certain way, to which of the following would Suganthi be related to following the same pattern?
a) Supriya
b) Seela
c) Suji
d) Sarath
e) Saran
3) How many persons are seated between Sarath and Suji?
a) One
b) Two
c) Three
d) Four
e) None
4) Which of the following represents persons seated at the two extreme ends of the line?
a) Seela and Suganthi
b) Supriya and Sachin
c) Sarath and Suganthi
d) Supriya and Seela
e) arath and Supriya
5) What is the position of seema with respect to seela?
a) Second to the left
b) Second to the right
c) Third to the left
d) Immediate neighbours
e) Fifth to the right
Answer :
1 | d |
2 | a |
3 | c |
4 | e |
5 | b |
( 6 – 10) Study the following information and answer the questions given below it:
Meha,Malu,Mati ,Mala,Malar,Mahi,Madan and Madav are sitting around a circle facing the centre but not necessarily in the same order. Meha sits second to the left of is Malar’s husband . No female is an immediate neighbour of Meha.Mahi’s daughter sits second to the right of Mati. Mati is the sister of Mala. Mati is not an immediate neighbour of Malar’s husband. Only one person sits between Madan and Mati. Madan is father of Mala. Malar’s brother Mahi sits on the immediate left of Malar’s mother. Only one person sits between Malar’s mother and Malu. Only one person sits between Malar and Mala. Mala is the mother of Madhav. Mala is not an immediate neighbour of Malu.
6) Who is the immediate right of the Malar’s mother ?
a) Mahi
b) Madav
c) Malu
d) Mati
e) Madan
7) who sits on the immediate left of Madav
a) Mati’s grandmother
b) Mala’s grandmother
c) Mahi’s mother-in-law
d) Madan
e) Mala
8) Which of the following is true with respect to the given seating arrangements?
a) Madav is cousin of Mahi
b) Malar and Malar’s husband are immediate of Madav
c) No female is an immediate neighbour of Madav
d) Malar sits third to the left of her daughter
e) Meha is mother of Malar
9) Which group represents males here?
a) Malar,Madan,Madav,Mala
b) Mahi,Madan,Madav
c) Meha,Malu,Mati,Mala
d) Mahi,Malar,Meha
e) Malu,Mati,Meha
10) Four of the following five are like in certain way. Which is the one that does not belong to that group?
a) Malar,Madav
b) Meha,Mati
c) Malu,Madan
d) Mahi,Mati
e) Mahi,Mala
11) What is the position of Madan with respect to his mother-in-law?
a) Immediate left
b) Third to the right
c) Third to the left
d) Second to the right
e) Fourth to the left
6 | c |
7 | b |
8 | e |
9 | b |
10 | d |
11 | d |