Sentence improvement For SBI PO SET -27

Sentence improvement For SBI PO SET – 7
1. He is not in the good books of his master.
(a) in the better book
(b) in the good book
(c) in the best book
(d) into the good books
(e) no correction
2. Such inequalities can be fonded enshrined in the constitution of other countries also.
(a) could have been founded
(b) can be found
(c) could be found
(d) could have found
(e) no correction
3. India’s outlook on the world is composing of these various elements.
(a) is composed of
(b) is composed by
(c) is composing with
(d) has been composing at
(e) no correction
4. The faster he completes the work given to him the largest will be his profit.
(a) the larger will be
(b) the largest would be
(c) the larger would be
(d) the largest shall be
(e) no correction
5. The custom of many centuries ago origin is slowly disappearing.
(a) with many centuries of origin
(b) which originated many centuries ago
(c) originating for many centuries
(d) which was originated ago many centuries
(e) no correction
6. If you would have seen the movie, you would have enjoyed it.
(a) had you been seen
(b) if you have had seen
(c) had you seen
(d) if you would seen
(e) no correction
7. Just in hour’s time, he could complete the work to my satisfaction,
(a) in an hour’s time
(b) in the time of an hour
(c) in the duration of one hour
(d) in an hour
(e) no correction
8. Not only did he criticize the party’s policies but also the leader’s personal matters.
(a) he did not criticize
(b) neither did he criticize
(c) he not only criticize
(d) he criticized not only
(e) no correction
9. Despite his old age, his moments were as spirited as a young man.
(a) a young man’s
(b) if a young man’s
(c) those of a young man
(d) of a young man’s
(e) no correction
10. It is essential to throughout clean the machine after each use.
(a) to clean through
(b) to through clean
(c) to thoroughly cleaning
(d) to through cleaning
(e) no correction