Sentence improvement For SBI PO Set – 31

Sentence improvement For SBI PO Set – 31
1. Don’t enter the garden unless the permission of the competent authority.
(a) with the permission
(b) unless obtain permission
(c) unless the permit
(d) without the permission
(e) no correction required
2. Admission to any college in that city is almost impossible, as the seats are reserved only for women.
(a) in any college of
(b) of any college into
(c) for a college of
(d) with any college in
(e) no correction required
3. The wounded soldiers didn’t give of a fight till they succeeded.
(a) had not given of a fight
(b) didn’t give of fighting
(c) had not been given of a fight
(d) didn’t give up a fight
(e) no correction required
4. Why you are so elated is not known.
(a) was not know
(b) is not knowing
(c) was not knowing
(d) is not knowledgeable
(e) no correction required
5. In guest rooms the central portion is generally reserved for sofa set.
(a) generally is reserved
(b) is reserved generally
(c) was generally reserved
(d) are generally reserved
(e) no correction required
6. The scenario was identical to the one that was to be observed in the previous tournament.
(a) was observing
(b) had been observing
(c) was observed
(d) was to observed
(e) no correction required
7. The impact of the composite bow on warfare was equal to the crossbow of medieval times.
(a) was equal to of the
(b) is equal to the
(c) is equal to that
(d) was to observe
(e) no correction required
8. Culture, climate and geography plays an important part in the formation of any proverb.
(a) plays an important role
(b) plays a important part
(c) play an important role
(d) play a important part
(e) no correction required
9. This book will be of particular interested to those fascinated by the recent philosophy.
(a) of particularly interested
(b) of particular interest
(c) of interested in particular
(d) particularly of interested
(e) no correction required
10. These days developed countries have started looking down for underdeveloped countries as it is advantageous for both the parties.
(a) looking after
(b) looking down upon
(c) to look down at
(d) looking for at
(e) no correction required