Sentence improvement For SBI PO Set – 40

Sentence improvement For SBI PO Set – 40
1. All the allegations leveled against him were found to be false.
(a) Levelled for
(b) baseless level with
(c) Level against
(d) No correction required
2. He has said so out of affection, do not take it to heart.
(a) In heart
(b) it in the heart
(c) By the heart
(d) No improvement
3. What are needed are not large houses but small cottages.
(a) were
(b) was
(c) is
(d) no improvement
4. Sumit would have been looked smart in traditional clothes.
(a) was looked
(b) would be looked
(c) had looking
(d) would have looked
5. Hardly had I finished writing the letter before Anil arrived.
(a) then
(b) while
(c) when
(d) as
6. His father won’t be able to leave for Varanasi until they have arrived.
(a) until they have arrive
(b) until they will arrive
(c) until they will have arrived
(d) no improvement
7. He returned with two burning mugs of coffee and set them down on her desk.
(a) heating
(b) steaming
(c) blazing
(d) no improvement
8. They felt humiliated because they realised that they had cheated.
(a) had been cheating
(b) steaming
(c) have been cheated
(d) were to be cheated
9. I’m sorry, but I don’t’ believe what you say.
(a) I will not believe
(b) I am not believing
(c) I will not be believing
(d) No improvement
10. It is time the six year old is learning how to read and write.
(a) has learned
(b) learnt
(c) work hardly
(d) No improvement