Source The Hindu Editorial Page: Words of the day
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Source The Hindu Editorial Page: Words of the day
1) Epitaph
Meaning: A short piece of writing or a poem about a dead person, especially one written on their gravestone.
Sentence: The wanderer realized this was not just a monument but also a grave, and the inscription was an epitaph.
Synonyms: Memorial, Eulogy
Antonyms: Dishonourable, Abusive
2) Trenchant
Meaning: Severe, expressing strong criticism or forceful opinions.
Sentence: His most trenchant criticism is reserved for the party leader, whom he describes as “the most incompetent and ineffectual the party has known”.
Synonyms: Sarcastic, Scathing
Antonyms: Bland, Frivolous
3) Squally
Meaning: A sudden strong wind or short storm.
Sentence: Violent squalls signalled the approach of the hurricane.
Synonyms: Blustery, Gusty
Antonyms: Calm, Peaceful
4) Persecution
Meaning: To treat someone unfairly or cruelly over a long period of time because of their race, religion, or political beliefs, or to annoy someone by refusing to leave them alone.
Sentence: Ever since the news broke about her divorce, she has been persecuted by the tabloid press.
Synonyms: Expulsion, Ill-Treatment
Antonyms: Happiness, Succour
5) Placated
Meaning: To stop someone from feeling angry.
Sentence: Outraged minority groups will not be placated by promises of future improvements.
Synonyms: Pacify, Mollify
Antonyms: Agitate, Incite
6) Piquant
Meaning: Interesting and exciting, especially because of being mysterious.
Example: More piquant details of their private life were revealed.
Synonyms: Pungent, Spicy
Antonyms: Bland, Mild
7) Pittance
Meaning: A very small amount of money, especially money received as payment, income, or a present.
Example: He works hard but he’s paid a pittance.
Synonyms: Mite, Scarp
Antonyms: Plenty, Lot
8) Placid
Meaning: Having a calm appearance or characteristics.
Example: a slow-moving and placid river.
Synonyms: Serene, Still
Antonyms: Excited, Fierce
9) Plaintive
Meaning: Used to describe something that sounds slightly sad.
Example: The plaintive sound of the bagpipes.
Synonyms: Mournful, Woeful
Antonyms: Joyful, Mirthful
10) Placatory
Meaning: Trying to avoid making someone angry.
Example: The tone of the letter was placatory.
Synonyms: Pacific, Irenic
Antonyms: Bellicose, Hostile
11) Deaden
Meaning: To make something less painful or less strong.
Example: Morphine is often used to deaden the pain of serious injuries.
Synonyms: Diminish, Quiet
Antonyms: Allow, Advance
12) Boondocks
Meaning: Any area in the country that is quiet, has few people living in it, and is a long way away from a town or city.
Example: She lives way out in the boondocks in some tiny town.
Synonyms: Hinterland, Backwoods
13) Lancet
Meaning: A small knife with two cutting edges and a sharp point that a doctor uses when cutting the skin.
Example: Medical & surgical equipment.
Synonyms: Dagger, Bayonet
14) Dissuade
Meaning: To persuade someone not to do something.
Example: I tried to dissuade her from leaving.
Synonyms: Prevent, Discourage
Antonyms: Assist, Encourage
15) Writhe
Meaning: To experience a very difficult or unpleasant situation or emotion, such as extreme embarrassment
Example: He and four other senators were writhing in the glare of unfavourable publicity.
Meaning: To make large twisting movements with the body.
Example: The pain was so unbearable that he was writhing in agony.
Synonyms: Struggle, Suffer
Antonyms: Straighten
16) Apocryphal
Meaning: An apocryphal story is probably not true although it is often told and believed by some people to have happened.
Example: It’s a good story but I dare say it’s apocryphal.
Synonyms: Fictitious, Mythical
Antonyms: True, Doubtless
17) Ingenuous
Meaning: Honest, sincere, and trusting, sometimes in a way that seems silly.
Example: It has to be said it was rather ingenuous of him to ask a complete stranger to take care of his luggage.
Synonyms: Candid, Innocent
Antonyms: Deceitful, Dishonest
18) Scurrilous
Meaning: Expressing unfair or false criticism that is likely to damage someone’s reputation.
Example: A scurrilous attack on his integrity.
Synonyms: Obscene, Insulting
Antonyms: Decent, Polite
19) Boorish
Meaning: A person who is rude and does not consider other people’s feelings.
Example: Boorish behaviour.
Synonyms: Barbaric, Churlish
Antonyms: Mannerly, Delicate
20) Extricate
Meaning: To remove something or set something free with difficulty.
Example: It took hours to extricate the car from the sand.
Synonyms: Detach, Differentiate
Antonyms: Attach, Connect
21) Allude: Suggest or call attention to indirectly; Hint at.
Elude: Escape from or avoid (a danger, enemy, or pursuer), typically in a skilful or cunning way.
22) Cite: refer to (a passage, book, or author) as evidence for or justification of an argument or statement, especially in a scholarly work;praise (someone, typically a member of the armed forces) in an official report for a courageous act.
Site: An area of ground on which a town, building, or monument is constructed.
23) Canvass: Solicit votes from (electors or members).
Canvas: A strong, coarse unbleached cloth made from hemp, flax, or a similar yarn, used to make items such as sails and tents and as a surface for oil painting.
24) Curb: A check or restraint on something.
Kerb: A stone edging to a pavement or raised path.
25) Idyll: An extremely happy, peaceful, or picturesque period or situation, typically an idealized or unsustainable one.
Idle: (of a person) avoiding work; Lazy.
Idol: An image or representation of a god used as an object of worship.
Ideal: Satisfying one’s conception of what is perfect; most suitable.
26) Drive-by: Used to refer to something that someone does while driving past in a vehicle.
27) Spacewalk: An act of moving around in space outside a spacecraft but connected to it.
28) Lift-off: The action of a spacecraft or rocket leaving the ground.
29) Splashdown: A landing by a spacecraft in the sea.
30) Free press: If a country has a free press, its newspapers, magazines, and television and radio stations are able to express any opinions they want, even if these criticize the government and other organizations.
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