Spotting Errors For SBI PO : Set – 26

Spotting Errors For SBI PO : Set – 26
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. Mark the number f that part with error as your answer. If there is no error, mark (d). (Ignore errors of punctuation, if any.)
1. This small table (a) / will collapse (b) / if you will stand on it (c) / No error (d)
2. One of these days (a) / I will be going to (b) / confront you with incontrovertible evidence (c) / No error (d)
3. I pleaded with him with (a) / a view to convincing him (b) / of my innocence in the matter (c) / No error (d)
4. Twenty miles are (a) / a long way (b) / to walk (c) / No error (d)
5. Not only the bandits robbed (a) / the traveller of his purse (b) / but they also wounded him grievously (c) / No error (d)
6. You will get (a) / all the information (b) / if you read this booklet carefully (c) / No error (d)
7. The duties of a policeman are regulating the traffic (a) / investigating crime (b) / and to contain anti-social elements (c) / No error (d)
8. Looking forward (a) / to (b) / meet you here. (c) / No error (d)
9. I’ve been to a few of his lectures (a) / but understood little of (b) / what he has said. (c) / No error (d)
10. It cannot be forecasted (a) / how society will emerge (b) / a generation hence (c) / No error (d)
Answer Key With Explanations:
1. (c) ‘Will’ should not be used a second time in the conditional sentence.
2. (b) ‘I am going to’ is the correct phrase.
3. (d) No error
4. (a) It should be ‘Twenty miles is’, not ‘are’. ‘Twenty miles’ should be taken as a unit here __ a certain distance. So a singular verb is to be used.
5. (a) ‘Not only did the bandits rob’ is the correct first part of the sentence.
6. (d) No error
7. (c) Parallel structure must be maintained all through the sentence. The verb ‘to contain’ must also be used in the present continuous mode. It should be ‘containing’.
8. (c) ‘Meeting’ should come in place of ‘meet’.
9. (c) This part should read: ‘what he said’.
10. (d) Though the past tense and past participle of ‘forecast’ is again ‘forecast’. ‘forecasted’ can also be used at times.