Target SBI PO : English Day – 16

Target SBI PO : English Day – 16
D.1-10) Which of the phrases (a), (b), (c), (d) given below each sentence should replace the phrase printed in bold type to make the sentence grammatically correct? If the sentence is correct as it is mark (e) i.e. ‘No improvement’ as the answer.
1) A 46-year-old paralytic patient was charred to death after a fire broke down at his residence in north Delhi.
a) fire broke up at
b) fire broke out in
c) fire to broke out in
d) fire broke out at
e) No improvement
2) Her behaviour with all her workers is so pleasing that everyone come forward for helping him.
a) comes forward to help him
b) comes towards him for help
c) came towards him for help
d) comes forward for help him
e) No improvement
3) According to many people, Good life is to making more and more money.
a) and made more and more
b) is made more
c) is making more and more
d) are making more and more
e) No improvement
4) IshanKishan, the India-A batsmen can still trust to run the Australians close on Sunday.
a) hope
b) believe
c) anticipate
d) expect
e) No improvement
5) Because of his smart work, he is the better among his employers.
a) the good in
b) the good from
c) the best among
d) the better from
e) No improvement
6) With the beginning of the new system, the number of candidates who resorting to unfair means is decreasing year after year.
a) resort to
b) to resort
c) resorted to
d) to resorting
e) No improvement
7) The services provided by them has not been effectively monitored.
a) has not being effective in monitoring
b) have not been effectively monitored
c) has not being effectively monitored
d) is not being effective in monitoring
e) No improvement
8) The explosives have been sent to the lab for testing as there true nature is not yet known.
a) there true character
b) their true nature
c) there faithful character
d) their false nature
e) No improvement
9) The Kochi city police on Saturday arrested the driver of a popular south Indian film actor on charges of abduction and harassment.
a) in charges of abduction
b) on charges to abduction
c) on charged of abduction
d) in charge of abduction
e) No improvement
10) Composing and singing are two different activities, independence of one another.
a) independant of each other
b) independence of the other
c) independent of each other
d) interdependence on each other
e) No improvement