Target SBI PO Mains: Reasoning day 7 : Coding and decoding New pattern Questions
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Target SBI PO Mains: Reasoning day 7 :
Coding and decoding New pattern Questions
D.1-5)In a certain code language,
‘price more budget down’ – 37$@, 31$*, 33$%, 41*
‘union wealth rural money’ – 28@*%, 63#$, 48#%, 52$*
‘bunch water plant impact’ – 27%, 61#$, 62#, 52#@
‘complex tank answer simple’- 68*, 45#, 74#$, 60$@
Q.1) What is the code for “museum”?
a) 40@##
b) 43%%*
c) 45$%%
d) 47#@@
e) 49$$%
Q.2) Which of the following code can be coded for “96$”?
a) system
b) disease
c) supply
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
Q.3) What is the code for “economy chief justice”?
a) 55$*, 31#@%, 68$*@
b) 55$**, 17$@, 52$@%
c) 55*%%, 35@%, 17$@
d) 55$@*, 24@$, 52#$%
e) 55*%$, 33@$, 84%$@
Q.4) What is the code for “against”?
a) 70#@%
b) 60*%#
c) 60@@#
d) 60##@
e) 70%@#
Q.5) Which of the following code to be coded for “54&$”?
a) promise
b) humiliate
c) popular
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
In a certain code language,
‘good start always win’ – 4!D 6#S 5@T 3$N
‘god takes work shield’ – 5%S 4$K 6@D 3!D
‘talking so the had’ – 3^D 3%E 2@O 7%G
‘imagine stand took ground’ – 7*E 5@D 6!D 4%K
Q.6) What is the code for “shield”?
a) 5%S
b) 4$K
c) 3!D
d) 6@D
e) 6#D
Q.7) What is the code for “ground takes good”?
a) 6!D, 5%S, 4%D
b) 6!D, 5%S, 4!D
c) 6!D, 5*T, 4&N
d) 6*E, 4^D, 5@T
e) 3!D, 5@D, 7*E
Q.8) Which of the following code can be coded for “7@R”?
a) similar
b) simple
c) schedule
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
Q.9) What is the code for ‘sample work good’?
a) 3!D 4$K 5%S
b) 4!D 4^D 6#S
c) 4$K 6@E 4!D
d) 3@E 6@E 4!D
e) 3$N 6@T 4&K
Q.10) What may be the possible code for “5$S 4^E 6*S”?
a) works more important
b) words have images
c) works make perfect
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these