Banking Awareness : Quiz 23

Banking Awareness : Quiz 23
Q.1) CHI stands for:
a) Cheque House Interface
b) Clearing House Interface
c) Commercial House Interface
d) None of These
Q.2) The Headquarter of SIDBI is located at:
a) Lucknow
b) New Delhi
c) Mumbai
d) Bangalore
e) None of The Above
Q.3) Industrial Reconstruction Bank of India (IRBI) was established in:
a) 1975
b) 1985
c) 1990
d) 1992
Q.4) On the recommendation of Kelkar committee, no new RRB was established
Q.5) since _____:
a) April 1987
b) April 1988
c) April 1990
d) April 1995
Q.6) Which one of the following was set up during the Seventh Five Year Plan to help the low income groups:
b) Regional Rural Banks
c) National Housing Bank
d) UTI Bank
e) None of The Above
Q.7) Which among the following country is richest in the world:
a) United State of America
b) Japan
c) Qatar
d) South Korea
Q.8) Which among the following is not a component of Human Development Index:
a) Life β Expectancy in India
b) Literacy Rate and Mean years of schooling
c) Infant Mortality Rate
d) None of The Above
Q.9) Human Development Index was propounded by:
a) Amartya Sen
b) C. Rangarajan
c) Mehboob-ul-Haq
d) None of The Above
Q.10) When a Bank returns a cheque unpaid, it is called:
a) Dishonor of the Cheque
b) Cheque Bounce
c) Both Dishonor and Bounce of the Cheque
d) None of these
Q.11) Mortgage is Security on:
a) Immovable Property
b) Movable Property
c) Both Movable and Immovable Property
d) None of these
Q.12) Full form of FINO:
a) Financial Information Network and Operation Limited
b) Finance Information Network Organization
c) Finance in Network Organization
d) None of these
Q.13) The reserves which can act as liquidity buffer for commercial banks during crisis times are:
a) CRR and SLR
b) Only CRR
c) Only SLR
d) None of these
Q.14) Money Laundering is:
a) Conversion of money which is illegally obtained
b) Conversion of money which is legally obtained
c) All converted money
d) None of these
Q.15) Interest on savings bank account now calculated by the banks on:
a) Daily Product Basis
b) Monthly Product Basis
c) Weekly Basis
d) None of these