Cloze Test For SBI PO : Set 45

Cloze Test For SBI PO : Set 45
The League of Nations was (1) in 1919. It became ineffective and the UNO began to (2) from October 24th, 1945. The Second World War (3) in 1939. It caused great (4) to human lives and property. As a (5) of use of atom bombs, many people were (6) and many others became (7). The world leaders feared that another world war would (8) the entire world. It was a question of the (9) of mankind. To ensure peace and (10) the world leaders established a world organization, the UNO.
1. (a) created
(b) formed
(c) made
(d) opened
2. (a) start
(b) operate
(c) function
(d) commence
3. (a) broke in
(b) broke out
(c) broke into
(d) broke up
4. (a) wastage
(b) calamity
(c) loss
(d) disturbance
5. (a) result
(b) cause
(c) reason
(d) matter
6. (a) destroyed
(b) killed
(c) mutilated
(d) disabled
7. (a) disabled
(b) disadvantage
(c) unfit
(d) handicapped
8. (a) perish
(b) demolish
(c) jeopardize
(d) destroy
9. (a) continuity
(b) survival
(c) presence
(d) existence
10. (a) tranquility
(b) security
(c) safety
(d) order