Coding and Decoding For SBI PO : Set – 43

Coding and Decoding For SBI PO : Set – 43
D.1-5) Read the following and answer the questions:
In a certain code language,
‘lu ja ka hu’ means ‘We provide study materials’
‘fa ka la ju’ means ‘we score maximum selection’
‘la fu ja ju’ means ‘study score the selection’
‘ju lu na fu’ means ‘selection of the material’
1) What is the code of ‘score’ ?
a) ju
b) la
c) fa
d) ka
e) Can’t be determined
2) What is the code for Provide?
a) fu
b) na
c) hu
d) Can’t be determined
e) None of these
3) What is the code of ‘Provide of maximum’?
a) na hu fu
b) fa hu na
c) fu lu na
d) hu fa la
e) Can’ be determined
4) what is the code of ‘ja’?
a) the
b) maximum
c) Material
d) Study
e) None of these
5) What is the code of ”we”
a) la
b) ju
c) hu
d) ka
e) lu
D.6-10) Read the following and answer the questions
‘lend me money’ is written as ‘ve ka ro’
‘money for him’ is written as ‘se ve di’
‘for various matters’ is written as ‘ba di la’
‘matters to me’ is written as ‘ ro ba yo’
6) What is the code for ‘ Various’?
a) ba
b) di
c) la
d) yo
e) Cannot be determined
7) What does the code ‘ro’ stand for?
a) me
b) matters
c) money
d) lend
e) Either to or lend
8) Which of the following may represent ‘money matters most’?
a) ve ba yo
b) ve se ba
c) ba zi di
d) ba ka zi
e) ba fe ve
9) What is the code for ‘ lend’?
a) ve
b) ka
c) ro
d) di
e) Either di or ro
10) What is the code for ‘to’?
a) ba
b) ro
c) yo
d) se
e) Can’t be determined