Coding and Decoding New Pattern Questions For SBI PO : Set – 48
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Coding and Decoding New Pattern Questions For SBI PO : Set – 48
D.1-5) Study the following information to answer the given questions:
With a certain code language,
‘hole create black bestows’ is written as ‘f $h l#b t!b f%c’,
‘report letters till civil’ is written as ‘m#c t!l u%r m$t’,
‘guard also failure junked’ is written as ‘e%j e#g p$a f!f’, and
‘into export every meeting’ is written as ‘z#e u%e p$i h!m’.
1) What is the code for ‘letters’?
a) u%r
b) m#c
c) t!l
d) m $t
e) Cannot be determined
2) What is the code for ‘report create meeting’?
a) t!l u%e f$h
b) h!m u%r f%c
c) l#b u%r m $t
d) None of these
e) Cannot be determined
3) What does ‘t!b u$l u#c’ stand for?
a) under bestows attempt
b) court last bestows
c) care hole adjust
d) black proud emperor
e) Cannot be determined
4) What will be the code for ‘butter would used’?
a) t$r y#d e#w
b) s%b g!r e$u
c) t!g f%b e#v
d) e$u s%b e#w
e) None of these
5) What does ‘e$t i#b f%c’ stand for?
a) tallest fish into
b) could best earn
1) ( 54 * 154 ) / (34 * 134) = ?
a) 13
b) 3.00
c) 4
d) 1.5
e) 2.00
2) 648 * 18 * ? = 104980
a) 48
b) 36
c) 27
d) 18
e) 9
3) 31% of 3581 + 27% of 9319 =?
a) 2630
b) 3625
c) 3625
d) 3635
e) 3824
4) ( 21 + 99 ) * ( 30 -19.02) = ?
a) 3581
b) 1310
c) 1290
d) 1600
e) 1320
5) 416 * ? * 8 = 59904
a) 17
b) 12
c) 21
d) 15
e) 18
6) 14 * 18.6 / 12 + 19.3 = ?
a) 41
b) 33.5
c) 291.9
d) 8.32
e) None of these
7) 2567 / 17 * 3 = ? + 180
a) 51
b) 271
c) 273
d) 73
e) 141
8) 339% of 803 + 77.8% of 1107 = ?
a) 3175
b) 3320
c) 3580
d) 3710
e) 395
9) 4003 * 77 – 21015 = ? * 116
a) 2477
b) 2478
c) 2467
d) 2476
e) 2496
10) 135% of 342 – 342% of 13.5=?
a) 411.13
b) 412.23
c) 413.33
d) 414.43
e) 415.53
c) centre told bench
d) ice earn calorie
e) None of these
Directions (6-10): Study the following information to answer the given questions:
In a certain code,
‘Jammu Haridwar Nanded Puri’ is written as ‘H#12 %15L $9N F@21’,
‘Jaipur Hyderabad Rajouri Bengaluru’ is written as ‘Z#24 $18P F%24 H@15’,
‘Majuli Udaipur Mysuru Kasaragod’ is written as ‘K$15 I%24 @18S K#15’, and
‘Nagpur Palakkad Varanasi Gwalior’ is written as ‘@15L E@18 %21N$21T’.
6) Which is the code for ‘Chennai’?
a) B$18
b) A$18
c) A$20
d) A#18
e) Cannot be Determined
7) What is the code for ‘Sitapur Saharanpur ’?
a) #27Q @20Q
b) @27Q #18Q
c) %30Q @18Q
d) @27Q @18Q
e) Cannot be determined
8) What could ‘Z@12 D %24’ stand for?
a) Amritsar Faizabad
b) Ajmer Faizabad
c) Amritsar Faridabad
d) Ajmer Faridabad
e) Cannot be determined
9) What is the code of ‘Mangaluru Jaisalmer’?
a) K@24 H@18
b) K#24 H@24
c) K#21 H$24
d) K#27 H@24
e) Cannot be determined
10) Which is the code for ‘Ghazibad Rewari’?
a) $18T E%21
b) $15T E%21
c) $@T E%24
d) $15T E#21
e) Cannot be determined