Important Synonyms and Antonyms – Part 6 (This words taken from The Hindu Editorial Page)

S.No Word Synonym Antonym
101 Vindictive Disposed Forgiving
102 Accusative Oblique Nominative
103 Inclement Freezing Sunny
104 Accord Concede Disagree
105 Infirmity Delicacy Strength
106 Meticulous Careful Sloppy
107 Flagrant Evident Slight
108 Poignant Touching, Painful Blunt, Calm
109 Snobbish Superior Generous
110 Querulous Prickly Cheerful
111 Audacious Brave, Insolent Timid
112 Perilous Dangerous, Critical Secure
113 Requisite Essential Optional
114 Reverie Fantasy Nightmare
115 Deceitful False, Crafty Honest
116 Exonerate Absolve, Clear Convict
117 Exaggerate Overstress Understate
118 Susceptible Adaptable Streetwise
119 Frugal Economical, Careful Extravagant
120 Gluttonous Greedy Moderate