Crack IBPS PO : Reasoning day 59
D.1-3) Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions
The government has decided to take the diesel route for eliminating subsidies on LPG and kerosene. The price of subsidised cooking gas (LPG) was hiked by over Rs.2 per cylinder, while that of jet fuel was raised by a steep 7.3% in the country. In case of kerosene, the government has allowed state-owned oil companies raise the price by 25paise a litre every fortnight for 10 months.
I. The government has decided to stop the subsidies given on petroleum products.
II. To stop the subsidy the government is adopting different strategies for different petroleum products.
III. The people of the country will switch over to other products which are cheaper than petroleum products.
IV The government has to spend a huge amount of money on subsidies on petroleum products.
V. People’s income has increased in the last 10 years in the country and there is a fall in the poverty level.
VI. Solar, coal and other fossil fuels are cheaper than other petroleum products in the country.
1) Which of the following among I, II, III and IV may be a strong argument in favour of the decision taken by the government?
(a) Only II
(b) Only IV
(c) Only II and IV
(d) Only I and III
(e) Only I and IV
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From the statement, only option (IV) is strong argument that huge amount of money on subsidy causes more expenditure in the budget. So government initiates steps to stop the subsidy on petroleum products.
2) Which of the following among II, IV,V and VI can be the reason for an increase in the price of petroleum products?
(a) Only II and V
(b) Only IV and VI
(c) Only IV and V
(d) Only V and VI
(e) Only II and VI
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Among the statements (II), (IV), (V) and (VI), only (V) and (VI) can be the reason for increase of the petroleum products because since last 10 years people’s income increased in the country that cause people buying more vehicles to their transport which indirectly increase the demand of petroleum. Also, government subsidy is the another reason to increase in the price of petroleum products.
3) Which of the following among I, II, IV and VI can be inferred from the above given information?
(a) Only II
(b) Only IV
(c) Only VI
(d) Only I and II
(e) Only I
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From the statements, only options (I) and (II) can be inferred from statement that government increase the price of different petroleum products to reduce the usage of petroleum products among the people which leads to reduction or stop of the subsidy on the products.
D.4-5) Study the following information carefully and answer the following questions
Get ready to pay a fatter fuel bill. OPEC powerhouses Saudi Arabia and Iraq, which supply nearly 40% of oil to India, have taken steps to bring the world’s honey moon with low oil prices to an end. Saudi Arabia, the world’s largest oil exporter which two years ago sparked the oil price crashes with hefty discounts, raised the price of the crude oil shipped to Asia and the US and initiated talks with buyers to cut the supplies.
I. Prices of petrol and diesel may be increased in the country.
II. Inflation of the country may go up
III. OPEC members were not getting the right price for their crude oil.
IV. Government should promote renewable source of energy.
V. Government should appeal to switch the diesel and petrol four wheelers to CNG
VI. People may postpone their to purchase new four wheelers
4) Which of the following among I, II, III, IV, V and VI can be immediate courses of action taken by the government to mitigate the cut in the production by the OPEC companies?
(a) Only I, V and III
(b) Only I and II
(c) Only I, II and VI
(d) Only III and VI
(e) Only I and VI
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Only option IV and V would be immediate course of action by Indian government, hence, option (d) follows.
5) Which of the following among I, II, III, IV, and V will be immediate effects of the cut in the production by the OPEC companies?
(a) Only II and III
(b) Only I and II
(c) Only I, II and VI
(d) Only III and VI
(e) Only I and VI
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From the statements, immediate effects will be the hike in the prices of petrol due to inadequate supply and inflation of the country will be suffer to certain extent. At last people will tend to postpone their plan to purchase new vehicles which consume petrol. Hence option (c) is correct.
D.6-7) Read the following information carefully and answers the following question.
F is son of P. Q married to F. K is mother of Q. K has only one daughter. W is father of A. W is married to K.
6) How is A related to F?
(a) Brother
(b) Sister
(c) Brother-in-law
(d) Sister-in-law
(e) Cannot be determined.
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- How A is related to F?
A is brother of wife of F, hence he would be brother-in-law to F.
7) How is Q related to p?
(a) Daughter
(b) Daughter-in-law
(c) Wife
(d) Mother
(e) None of these.
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- From the tree, it is clear that Q is daughter-in-law of P.
D.8-12) Study the following information to answer the given questions
A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words and numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule. Following is an illustration of input and rearrangement. (All the numbers are two-digits nurmber)
Input: above 53 94 47 genius jungle up 20 total 34 duck 28'
Step I: 20 above 53 47 genius jungle up total 34 duck 28 94
Step II: 28 20 above 47 genius jungle up total 34 duck 94 53
Step III: 34 28 20 above genius jungle up total duck 94 53 47
Step IV : above 34 28 20 genius jungle total duck 94 53 47 up
Step V: duck above 34 28 20 genius jungle 94 53 47 up total
Step VI: genius duck above 34 28 20 94 53 47 up total jungle
And Step VI is the last step of the arrangement of the above input as the intended arrangement is obtained.
As per the rules followed in the above steps, find one in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input for the questions.
Input: '72 15 slope wind 98 follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball'
(All the numbers given in the arrangement are two-digit members)
8) Which word/number would be at the 6th position from the right in Step IV?
(a) 98
(b) 28
(c) slope
(d) honest
(e) follow
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(d) From input, step IV, ‘honest’ is the word 6th right from the right end.
Input: 72 15 slope wind 98 follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball
Step I: 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball 98
Step II: 28 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 globe ball 98 82
Step III: 66 28 15 slope wind follow honest globe ball 98 82 72
Step IV: ball 66 28 15 slope follow honest globe 98 82 72 wind
Step V: follow ball 66 28 15 honest globe 98 82 72 wind slope
Step VI: globe follow ball 66 28 15 98 82 72 wind slope honest
Pattern: In first three steps, among the numbers in the input that, first small number among the numbers are arranged to left end and big numbers among numbers arranged to right end.This step will repeat till the third step.
After that, words are arranged in the same pattern as numbers are arranged in the input.
9) In the V step of the arrangement, 'follow' is related to '66' following a particular pattern in the same way '98' is related to '72'. Then 'wind' is related to which of the following if the same pattern is followed?
(a) globe
(b) honest
(c) 82
(d) follow
(e) slope
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(c) From input, step V, wind is related to 82
Input: 72 15 slope wind 98 follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball
Step I: 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball 98
Step II: 28 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 globe ball 98 82
Step III: 66 28 15 slope wind follow honest globe ball 98 82 72
Step IV: ball 66 28 15 slope follow honest globe 98 82 72 wind
Step V: follow ball 66 28 15 honest globe 98 82 72 wind slope
Step VI: globe follow ball 66 28 15 98 82 72 wind slope honest
Pattern: In first three steps, among the numbers in the input that, first small number among the numbers are arranged to left end and big numbers among numbers arranged to right end.This step will repeat till the third step.
After that, words are arranged in the same pattern as numbers are arranged in the input.
10) The position of '72' in Step III of the given input?
(a) Ninth from the right
(b) Second from the left
(c) Seventh from the right
(d) Third from the left
(e) First from the right
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(e) From input, step III, position of 72 is in the first right end.
Input: 72 15 slope wind 98 follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball
Step I: 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball 98
Step II: 28 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 globe ball 98 82
Step III: 66 28 15 slope wind follow honest globe ball 98 82 72
Step IV: ball 66 28 15 slope follow honest globe 98 82 72 wind
Step V: follow ball 66 28 15 honest globe 98 82 72 wind slope
Step VI: globe follow ball 66 28 15 98 82 72 wind slope honest
Pattern: In first three steps, among the numbers in the input that, first small number among the numbers are arranged to left end and big numbers among numbers arranged to right end.This step will repeat till the third step.
After that, words are arranged in the same pattern as numbers are arranged in the input.
11) Which step number would be the following output?
ball 66 28 15 slope globe honest follow 98 82 72 wind
(a) There will be no such step
(b) Step VI
(c) Step II
(d) Step V
(e) Step III
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(a) There is no such step in the input
Input: 72 15 slope wind 98 follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball
Step I: 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball 98
Step II: 28 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 globe ball 98 82
Step III: 66 28 15 slope wind follow honest globe ball 98 82 72
Step IV: ball 66 28 15 slope follow honest globe 98 82 72 wind
Step V: follow ball 66 28 15 honest globe 98 82 72 wind slope
Step VI: globe follow ball 66 28 15 98 82 72 wind slope honest
Pattern: In first three steps, among the numbers in the input that, first small number among the numbers are arranged to left end and big numbers among numbers arranged to right end.This step will repeat till the third step.
After that, words are arranged in the same pattern as numbers are arranged in the input.
12) How many steps are required to complete the arrangement?
(a) Four
(b) Five
(c) Six
(d) seven
(e) Eight
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(c) ‘Sixth’ step is needed to complete the arrangement.
Input: 72 15 slope wind 98 follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball
Step I: 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 28 globe 82 ball 98
Step II: 28 15 72 slope wind follow honest 66 globe ball 98 82
Step III: 66 28 15 slope wind follow honest globe ball 98 82 72
Step IV: ball 66 28 15 slope follow honest globe 98 82 72 wind
Step V: follow ball 66 28 15 honest globe 98 82 72 wind slope
Step VI: globe follow ball 66 28 15 98 82 72 wind slope honest
Pattern: In first three steps, among the numbers in the input that, first small number among the numbers are arranged to left end and big numbers among numbers arranged to right end.This step will repeat till the third step.
After that, words are arranged in the same pattern as numbers are arranged in the input.