Important Cloze Test For SBI PO Mains – 2017

Important Cloze Test For SBI PO Mains – 2017
In the following passage there are blanks, each of which has been numbered. These numbers are given below the passage and against each, five words are suggested, one of which fits the blank appropriately. Find out the appropriate word in each case.
Acid attacks, especially on women, are an issue of increasing (1). In order to (2) with such attacks, a three pronged (3) is currently under formulation. The first is providing (4) punishment to perpetrators, not only as proportionate punishment for their (5) but also to (6) potential offenders. The second approach is to (7) attacks by regulating (8) to acids. The third is constructing a compensation scheme for victims. The Indian Penal Code did not have specific provisions to criminalize and punish acid attacks (9) the start of this year. If a person is convicted for (10) acid on another, and thereby causing temporary or permanent damage or deformity, a minimum imprisonment of 10 years and a maximum of life imprisonment are now provided.
1. (A) Value
(B) Welfare
(C) Gossip
(D) Concern
(E) happening
2. (A) Deal
(B) Do away
(C) Fight
(D) Solve
(E) Tussle
3. (A) Dimension
(B) Solution
(C) Discussion
(E) Approach
4.(A) Light
(B) Stringent
(C) Attractive
(D) Compulsory
(E) Serious
5. (A) Performance
(B) Role
(C) Work
(D) Action
(E) Job
6. (A) Defend
B) Differ
(C) Deter
(D) Determine
(E) Dissociate
7. (A) Prevent
(B) Facilitate
(C) Debar
(E) Oversee
8. (A) Approach
(B) Concede
(C) Knowledge
(D) Access
(E) Excess
9. (A) By
(B) Until
(C) Up to
(D) Before
(E) Prior
10.(A) Supplying
(B) Giving
(C) Attacking
(D) Bringing
(E) Throwing