NICL AO Salary Structure
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NICL AO Salary Structure
- The starting Basic Pay of a NICL Administrative Officer will be Rs. 32,795 /-
- Along with this other allowances will be provided, The total salary will be Rs.51,000/- per month in Metropolitan Cities.
Other Benefits
- Pension under New Pension system governed by PFRDA
- Gratuity
- Medical Benefits
- Group Personal Accident Insurance etc.
- Company’s / leased accommodation as per norms
NICL AO Job Profile & Probation
- When you are appointed as an AO after selection process, you will be posted and transferred to any place in India as per Company guidelines.
- You will have stay at the initial place of posting for a minimum of 5 years.
- Immediately after joining, you will have to join for Probation, which lasts for 1 year.
- During probation period you will be required to pass the non-life “Licentiate Examination” conducted by Insurance Institute of India.
- You will also have to sign a Guarantee Bond which will require you to serve the Company for minimum of 4 years including Probation Period
Guarantee Bond:
The selected candidates have to give an undertaking to serve the Company for a min. 4 years. In case of resign before 4 years, , they will be liable to pay damages equivalent to one year’s gross salary of NICL AO.
Candidates resigning from the Company during the probation period and candidates whose services are terminated by the Company during the probation
period shall be liable to pay the salary received by them during their entire service in the Company in addition to an amount of Rs.25,000/-towards partial cost of training. No lien/bond executed to retain a substantive post with present employer will be binding upon the Company and no Leave Salary orPension Contribution will be made.
NIACL AO Recruitment Notification