Dear Bankersdaily Aspirants,
Hope , Your preparation for SBI exam 2018 is good . Since SBI exam is a Two level which will be conducted in an online mode, Competition will be higher for this SBI Exam and the most important thing , Current affairs section will be there in this exam. So aspirants have to concentrate in Four sections namely Aptitude, Reasoning, English, Current Affairs.
The person with high speed and very good accuracy only can crack this exam to taste the success. The candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in this online exam test. So the candidate with consistent hard work and regular practice will crack the exam very easily.
Here are some questions which will help you to identify your level of preparation.
Exam: SBI Exam 2018
Topic: Alphanumeric Series
Timing: 7 minutes
D.1–5) Study the following information carefully and answer the given questions.
J | A | U | N | K | B | I | D | H | L | O | C | E | M | F | P |
@ | 1 | * | 5 | # | 7 | ? | 9 | $ | ! | & | 3 | % | 2 | + | = |
a) If 1st and last letter is vowel then both are interchanged their respective codes.
b) If first letter is vowel and last letter is consonant then both are codes as middle letter of the word.
c) If first letter is consonant and last letter vowel is then both are codes as “9”.
d) If first letter and last letter is consonant then both are codes as adjacent letters.
Q.1) Which of the following is the coded pattern of “CKNUP”?
a) ##5*=
b) ##5=*
c) 3#5**
d) ##5**
e) None of these
Q.2) Which of the following is the coded pattern of “AMJDO”?
a) &29#1
b) 12@9&
c) &2@91
d) 22@91
e) None of these
Q.3) Which of the following is the coded pattern of “BLEFU”?
a) 7!%+*
b) 9%%+9
c) 9!*+9
d) 9!%+9
e) None of these
Q.4) Which of the following is the coded pattern of “INEHC”?
a) %5%$?
b) %5$$%
c) %5%$%
d) %9%$%
e) None of these
Q.5) Which of the following will be the possible word of the code”*5*3*”?
D.6–10) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below:
G H 3 ÷ J O 8 # 1 & 2 I L 9 Y S A ¥ 5 B € D ∞ 7 £ 4 $ N Z \ V X
Q.6) If all symbols are dropped what will be exactly between J and N?
a) 9
b) S
c) Y
d) L
e) None of these
Q.7) If 2 is added to every odd number and 1 is subtracted from every even number then which number will be repeated twice?
a) 9
b) 7
c) 5
d) 3
e) Both (b) and (d)
Q.8) If first 12 elements are interchanged with the last 12 elements then which number/letter will be the fifth to the right of ‘Z’?
a) L
b) I
c) 9
d) Y
e) None of these
Q.9) If all the consonants are replaced by its following second letter in the English alphabets, then how many symbols are immediately preceded by number and immediately followed by vowel?
a) 0
b) 1
c) 2
d) 3
e) None of these
Q.10) Which of the following is fifth to the left of third from the right end?
a) £
b) 4
c) 7
d) D
e) L
Answer Key With Explanation:
1. (d)
C K N U P (1st letter and last letter are consonants)
# # 5 * *
2. (c)
A M J D O (1st and last letter are a vowel)
& 2 @ 9 1
3. (d)
B L E F U (1st letter is a consonant and last letter is a vowel)
9 ! % t 9
4. (c)
I N E H C (1st letter is a vowel and last letter is a consonants)
% 5 % $ %
5. (e)
* 5 * 3 *
6. (c) After All symbols dropped,
G H 3 J O 8 1 2 I L 9 Y S A 5 B D 7 4 N Z V X
Exactly between J & N is
O 8 1 2 I L 9 Y S A 5 B D 7 4
7. (e) After changing all odd number + 2 even number – 1
The given sequence will be the numbers repeated are
G H 5 ÷ J O 7 # 3 & 1 I L 8 Y S A ¥ 7 B € D ∞ 9 £ 3 $ N Z \ V X
8. (c) After interchanging of first 12 elements with last 12 elements. The sequence will be
€ D ∞ 7 £ 4 $ N Z \ V X L 9 Y S A ¥ 5 B G H 3 ÷ J O 8 # 1 & 2 I
The element which is fifth to the right of ‘Z’ is 9.
9. (a) Consonants + 2
Number Symbol Vowel
Above pattern followed in the obtained sequence is zero.
10. (a)
3+5=8th from the right end is £