Seating Arrangement For SBI PO Set – 45

Seating Arrangement For SBI PO Set – 45
( 1 – 5) Study the given information and answer the given questions
Six people – K, L, M, N, O and P live on six different floors of a building not necessarily in the same order. The lower most floor of the building is numbered 1, the one above is numbered 2 and so on till the top most floor numbered 6. L lives on an even numbered floor. L lives immediately below K’s floor and immediately above M’s floor. P lives immediately above N’s floor. P lives on an even numbered floor. O does not live on floor number 4.
1) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the given arrangement and hence from a group. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
a) MN
b) OL
c) KM
d) LP
e) PK
2). Who amongst the following lives on floor number 2?
a) K
c) L
d) M
e) O
3). On which floor does N live ?
a) 4
b) 3
c) 5
d) 1
e) 2
4). At a birthday party, 5 friends are sitting in a row. ‘M’ is to the left of ‘O’ and to the right of ‘P’. ‘S’ is sitting to the right of ‘T’, but to the left of ‘P’. Who is sitting in the middle ?
a) M
b) O
c) P
d) S
e) None of these
5). A, B, C, D, E and F are sitting in a row. ‘E’ and ‘F’ are in the centre and ‘A’ and ‘B’ are at the ends. ‘C’ is sitting on the left of ‘A’. Then who is sitting on the right of ‘B’ ?
a) A
b) D
c) E
d) F
e) None of these
Clearly, ‘D’ is to the right of ‘B‘. Hence, option (b) is the correct answer.
1 | e |
2 | b |
3 | d |
4 | c |
5 | b |
( 6 – 10 ) Read the Information given below to answer the questions.
A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H want to have a dinner on a round table and they have worked out the following seating arrangements.A will sit beside C. H will sit beside A.C will sit beside E.F will sit beside H.E will sit beside G.D will sit beside F.G will sit beside B. B will sit beside D.
6). Which of the following is wrong ?
a) A will be to the immediate right of C
b) D will be to the immediate left of B
c) E will be to the immediate right of A
d) F will be to the immediate left of D
e) None of these
7). Which of the following is correct ?
a) B will be to the immediate left of D
b) H will be to the immediate right of A
c) C will be to the immediate right of F
d) B will be to the immediate left of H
e) None of these
8). A and F will become neighbours, if
a) B agrees to change her sitting position
b) C agrees to change her sitting position
c) G agrees to change her sitting position
d) H agrees to change her sitting position
e) None of these
9). During sitting
a) A will be directly facing C
b) B will be directly facing C
c) A will be directly facing B
d) B will be directly facing D
e) None of these
10). H will be sitting between
a) C and B
b) A and F
c) D and G
d) E and G
e) None of these
6 | c |
7 | b |
8 | d |
9 | c |
10 | b |