Sentence Improvement for SBI PO : Set 20

Sentence Improvement
1. The train was late for fifty minutes.
(a) from
(b) by
(c) around
(d) no improvement
2. Call in this evening, if you can, I have something important to discuss.
(a) Called in
(b) Call off
(c) Call for
(d) no improvement
3. Taxpayers are to be conscious of their privileges.
(a) have
(b) needs
(c) ought
(d) no improvement
4. I would have waited for you at the station if I knew that you would come.
(a) I known
(b) was knowing
(c) Had known
(d) no improvement
5. I overheard him saying something to me when I was quit.
(a) was almost quit
(b) was about to quit
(c) had about to quit
(d) had been quitting
6. I was shocked to learn that no one was knowing where the files were kept.
(a) was known
(b) knew
(c) had been known
(d) had been knowing
7. When he left the house, it has not ceased raining.
(a) Ever before
(b) Ever since
(c) Until
(d) no improvement
8. You would have succeeded if you acted upon my advice.
(a) had acted
(b) would have acted
(c) have acted
(d) no improvement
9. Donβt hold this dirty insect in your hand; throw it.
(a) throw it down
(b) throw it out
(c) throw it away
(d) no improvement
10. If it were possible to get near when one of the volcanic eruptions took place, we should see a grand sight.
(a) takes
(b) was taking
(c) is taking
(d) no improvement