Spotting Errors For SBI PO : Set – 35

In the following questions, find out which part of a sentence has an error. The letter corresponding to that part is your answer. If there is no mistake, the answer is ‘No error’

1. This room would look much better (a) / if you put a furniture (b) / in that corner (c) / No error (d)

2. The little boy knows (a) / how to start the engine (b) / but does not know to stop it (c) / No error (d)

3. Swift’s Gulliver’s Travels (a) / have been read by me (b) / several times (c) / No error (d)

4. Meatless Days (a) / have been made (b) into a film (c) / No error (d)

5. The difficult situation in which I found myself (a) / is not made easy (b) / by her constant nagging and grumbling (c) / No error (d)

6. Sunita opened a almirah (a) / full of books (b) / and took one of them (c) / for reading (d) / No error (d)

7. I dared you (a) / to spend the night (b) / in the haunted palace (c) / situated in my hometown (d) / No error (e)

8. Of all the men (a) / known to me none is (b) / less inclined than he is (c) / to think ill to others (d) / No error (e)

9. I am pleased to sanction (a) / one special increment (b) / to all the employees (c) / with this month (d) / No error (e)

10. The director prefers (a) / your plan than (b) / that given by (c) / the other members of the committee (d) / No error (e)

Answer Key With Explanations:

1. (b) The article ‘a’ should not be used before ‘furniture’ (a mass noun). You may say ‘a piece of furniture’.

2. (c) ‘But does not know how to stop it’ is the correct last part of the sentence.

3. (b) ‘Gulliver’s Travels’ is the name of a book; so a singular verb is to be used for it.

4. (b) ‘Meatless Days’ is the name of a film; the present perfect tense should be ‘has been made’ (for singular noun).

5. (b) The past tense form of the verb should be used for verb form consistency.

6. (a) ‘Almirah’ begins with a vowel. So the article ‘an’ should be used before ‘almirah’.

7. (a) ‘Dare’ must be used (the present tense only).

8. (d) The correct preposition should be used. One thinks ill ‘of’, not ‘to’, other. The passive construction is, however, awkward; (b) should preferably read: ‘I know, none is’. However, since only one error is to be located, the clear choice is (d).

9. (d) The preposition ‘with’ should not be used as the special increment is for that month only (it cannot be for every month). There is no need for a preposition in (d).

10. (b) One prefers a thing ‘to’ another, not ‘than’ another.