Dear Bankersdaily Aspirants,

Hope , Your preparation for SBI Clerk & PO exam 2018 is good . Since SBI Clerk & PO exam is a Two level which will be conducted in an online mode, Competition will be higher for this SBI Clerk & PO Exam and the most important thing , Current affairs section will be there in this exam. So aspirants have to concentrate in Four sections namely Aptitude, Reasoning, English, Current Affairs.

The person with high speed and very good accuracy only can crack this exam to taste the success. The candidates will be selected on the basis of performance in this online exam test. So the candidate with consistent hard work and regular practice will crack the exam very easily.

Here are some questions which will help you to identify your level of preparation.

Exam: SBI Clerk & PO Exam 2018

Topic: MOT

Day : 29

Timing: 7 minutes

D.1-5) In each of the following questions, relationship between different elements is shown in the statements followed by two conclusions. Study the statements carefully and answer the below questions.

Q.1) Statements:

M≀Q<R=S; S>Tβ‰₯V


I. V<R


a) If conclusion I follows.

b) If conclusion II follows.

c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.

d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.

e) If both Conclusions I and II follows.

Q.2) Statements:

A≀C<D≀E=F; Rβ‰₯G>E


I. F>R


a) If conclusion I follows.

b) If conclusion II follows.

c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.

d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.

e) If both Conclusions I and II follows.

Q.3) Statements:

P=Q<R≀T; Q≀Y=Aβ‰₯C


I. P<A

II. Aβ‰₯P

a) If conclusion I follows.

b) If conclusion II follows.

c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.

d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.

e) If both Conclusions I and II follow.

Q.4) Statements:

M = R≀ J≀ K; J < I ≀ P > G


I. M<G

II. G ≀ M

a) If conclusion I follows.

b) If conclusion II follows.

c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.

d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.

e) If both Conclusions I and II follow.

Q.5) Statements:

K ≀L=O, Pβ‰₯Q > L, R > P = N


I. P > K

II. N > L

a) If conclusion I follows.

b) If conclusion II follows.

c) If either Conclusions I or II follows.

d) If neither Conclusions I nor II follows.

e) If both Conclusions I and II follow.

D.6-10) In the following questions, the symbols %, $, @, *, # are used with the following meanings as illustrated below.

β€˜A @ B’ means β€˜A is neither smaller than nor equal to B’.

β€˜A % B’ means β€˜A is neither greater than nor equal to B’.

β€˜A * B’ means β€˜A is neither greater than nor smaller than B’.

β€˜A # B’ means β€˜A is not greater than B’.

β€˜A $ B’ means β€˜A is not smaller than B’.

Q.6) If the conclusions β€˜B % N’ and β€˜V $ L’ is definitely true, then which of the following statement logically satisfies the conclusion?

a) L $ Q @ N * O @ V % B * T

b) B % T % O @ N % V $ Q * L

c) T $ B % O * N # V $ Q * L

d) L * B * T % O @ V @ N * Q

e) None of these.

Q.7) If the following conclusion W % O and U @ T should always true, then which of the following statements logically satisfies the given conclusions?

a) W # J $ U # O # P * T % I

b) I * J * O % R # U @ W % T

c) O @ J * P % I @ W % U * T

d) W # J * P % O $ U * I @ T

e) None of these.

Q.8) If the following conclusions B % U and I # H should always true, then which of the following statements logically satisfies the given conclusions?

a) I % B % S * C % L $ J *H % U

b) B $ L # S * J # I % U @ C * H

c) L @ B % S * U $ I # J * H @ C

d) H * B % C @ S % I $ J * L @ U

e) None of these.

Q.9) In the following conclusions L # B should be false and B $ I should be true. Then which of the following statements logically satisfies the given conclusions?

a) B @ P % I * J #H $ M @ L # F

b) I $ P % L * J $ F $ M % I * B

c) M* P # B @ H # J # F @ L * I

d) H @ P % L * J # B $ M * I # F

e) None of these.

Q.10) In the following conclusions, C @ N should be false and N $ H should be true. Then which of the following statements logically satisfies the given conclusions?

a) N % B % M * C $ V @ H * S # O

b) C @ M * B @ H $ V * O @ S * N

c) C @ M @ B % N $ V $ H * S # O

d) C * M @ B % H $ V % S @ N @ O

e) None of these

Answer Key With Explanation


1. (a)

M ≀ Q < R = S > T β‰₯ V

I. V < R (True)

II. M > T (False)

2. (b)

I. F > R (False)

II. A < G (True)

3. (b)

I. P < A (False)

II. A β‰₯ P (True)

4. (c)

5. (e)

I. P > K (True)

II. N > L (True)


@ A > B

% A < B

* A = B

# A ≀ B

$ A β‰₯ B

6. (c)

T β‰₯ B < O = N ≀ V β‰₯ Q = L

I. B < N (True)

II. V β‰₯ L (True)

7. (d)

W ≀ J = P < O β‰₯ U = I > T

I. W < O (True)

II. U > T (True)

8. (c)

L > B < S = U β‰₯ I ≀ J = H > C

I. B < U (True)

II. I ≀ H (True)

9. (e)

None of these

10. (c)

C > M > B < N β‰₯ V β‰₯ H = S ≀ O

I. C > N (False)

II. N β‰₯ H (True)

Day 29  MOT  Data Interpretation Sentence rearrangement (new)

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