Target SBI PO – English Day – 14

Target SBI PO
English Day – 14
A few weeks ago, many Americans would have (1) laughed at any suggestion that there could be a nail-biting finish to the November 8 presidential election. Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton had a comfortablelead in the polls, around 12 percentage points in some surveys. The campaign of Republican nominee Donald Trump had been dealt multiple blows stemming from the “Access Hollywood” tapes, where he was caught boasting about (2) fumble women without their consent. His popularity (3) Plunge further after at least nine women alleged he had sexually assaulted them years ago. However, with less than a week to voting day, the race has tightened. For the first time since May, Mr. Trump is leading in one major poll. The game changer is FBI Director James Comey’s announcement that his agency was reopening inquiries into Ms. Clinton’s email record after discovering correspondence relating to her in the computer of Anthony Weiner, (4) Alienate husband of her aide HumaAbedin. There are multiple undercurrents to this vicious election battle that need to be (5)parsed. In the blue corner, Ms. Clinton still enjoys an (6) Overcome statistical probability of winning the 270 Electoral College votes required to secure the presidency. She maintained a statesmanlike poise throughout the presidential debates, and in Email- gate the FBI has failed to unearth any evidence of criminality against her so far. Yet her problem lies in the perception of untrustworthiness created by her use of a private server while she was Secretary of State, her proximity to deep-pocketed donors on Wall Street and her hard line on a fiscally expansive welfare agenda for the middle class. In the red corner, Mr. Trump has refused to tone down his (7) aggravating rhetoric against women, Latinos, Muslims, African-Americans and the differently abled despite the expected backlash from these demo- graphics and growing alienation from mainstream Republican Party leaders. He has similarly (8) Barrel defiance in the teeth of those demanding that he release his tax returns. His brazen invitation to Russian hackers to go hunting for Ms. Clinton’s emails, and allegations about his shadowy financial connections to associates of Vladimir Putin raise troubling questions. That 21 months of feverish campaigning have ended not with a bang but a collective (9) moan of disappointment in two such un- trusted and uninspiring candidates says a lot about how bitterly polarised the electorate is. No matter awho wins this ugly election, America’s leaders will have to initiate an honest national conversation about (10) Attune its social mores. Else, the world’s only superpower will find itself diminished.
1) a) Muppet
b) Guffawed
c) lousy
d) Resonate
e) No correction required
2) a) Imperil
b) Certain
c) Groping
d) concatenation
e) No correction required
3) a) Diminish
b) Plummeted
c) Ascend
d) Subside
e) No correction required
4) a) Estranged
b) Appease
c) Reconcile
d) Ingratiate
e) No correction required
5) a) Correlate
b) dovetail
c) Fuse
d) Synchronise
e) No correction required
6) a) Overtly
b) Overwhelming
c) Overstate
d) Overture
e) No correction Required
7) a) Abrasive
b) Offensive
c) Bratty
d) Delightful
e) No correction Required
8) a) Dillydally
b) Hurled
c) Crawl
d) Dawdle
e) No correction required
9) a) Rejoicing
b) Exultation
c) Keen
d) Groan
e) No correction required
10) a) Estrange
b) Disharmonize
c) Reconciling
d) Skew
e) No correction required
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