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Dear Banking Aspirants,
THE HINDU EDITORIAL – December 26, 2018, is one of the must-read section for the competitive exams like IBPS Clerk 2018, Canara Bank PO – PGDBF 2018 and IBPS SO 2018. These topics are widely expected to be asked in the reading comprehension, Cloze Test or Error Detection in the forthcoming exams. So gear up your Exam preparation and learn new words daily.
A) Chabahar tidings: on Indian taking over port operations in Iran
As India takes over operations in the Iranian port, the possibilities and challenges are huge
The opening of the first office of Indian Ports Global Limited at Iran’s Chabahar and the takeover of operations of the Shahid Beheshti port is a milestone in India’s regional connectivity and trade game plan. Chabahar port opens up a permanent alternative route for trade with Afghanistan and Central Asia, given the hurdles in the direct route through Pakistan. It facilitates India’s role in Afghanistan’s development through infrastructure and education projects. And it gives India’s bilateral ties with Iran, a major oil supplier and potential trade market for India, a big fillip. India has helped develop the Shahid Beheshti port with these outcomes in mind, and has been given the contract to manage it for 18 months. It will be important to operationalise the port quickly and smoothen the route to Afghanistan. The decision by India, Afghanistan and Iran to hold an international event in February 2019 to promote Chabahar and to study ways to make the route more attractive and decrease logistic costs is timely. About 500 companies have registered with the Free Trade Zone authority there. While keeping timelines and delivery of New Delhi’s commitments will be key to the port becoming a regional hub for transit trade, steel and petrochemicals, it will be necessary to encourage Afghan companies to use the route more, in line with President Ashraf Ghani’s desire to have a commercial fleet under the Afghan flag setting sail from Chabahar.
Visions of Chabahar’s immense potential as a game-changer for prosperity and stability in the region must, however, necessarily be tempered by the reality of geopolitical challenges. The Chabahar port has received a waiver from the U.S. sanctions on Iran for the moment, but these concessions could be withdrawn any time, given the constant upheaval in the administration. The possibility of the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan, after the pullout from Syria, will add to security concerns for Afghanistan and impact on the Chabahar route as well. Meanwhile, the reconciliation process with the Afghan Taliban is likely to see the regional powers, the U.S. and Russia engaging Pakistan more. This could give Islamabad space to play spoiler in Chabahar, which is seen as a rival warm water port to Pakistan’s Gwadar. That the Afghanistan government is hedging its bets on trade via Chabahar too is clear: in recent months, special cargo corridors have been opened with China, Kazakhstan, Turkey, Europe, Russia, the UAE, and Saudi Arabia, with more trade diverted through them than with traditional partners Pakistan and India. With Chabahar, India has done well to keep a place in the intricate connectivity network of the registay ahead in this game.on. Given all the competing interests that criss-cross over Chabahar, it will require sustained and nuanced diplomacy to stay ahead in this game.
B) The worried Indian: on Naseeruddin Shah expressing his opinion
Actor Naseeruddin Shah had every right to express what he did without fear of retaliation
The intimidatory power of the mob made itself felt once again when the Ajmer Literature Festival abruptly cancelled veteran actor Naseeruddin Shah’s keynote address. This followed the torrent of abuse heaped on Mr. Shah by a loose coalition of persons, ranging from anonymous trolls on social media to functionaries of the Bharatiya Janata Party, after he spoke about the dangerous amount of power that mobs wield in India. In a reference to the violence over allegations of cow carcasses found in Uttar Pradesh’s Bulandshahr district this month that led to the killing of a police officer and another person, he spoke of the growing insecurity over being targeted by vigilante groups. “There is complete impunity for those who take law into their own hands,” said Mr. Shah. “I feel anxious thinking about my children.” Unfortunately, in this climate of hyper-nationalism, even an expression of anxiety is twisted out of context and portrayed as disloyalty to the nation. As Mr. Shah has explained, he was only speaking as a worried Indian about a country he loves. But amid the acrimonious outburst against him, no one cares to listen. A fringe group in Uttar Pradesh has offered him a one-way ticket to Karachi. And State BJP chief Mahendranath Pandey suggested, outrageously, that Mr. Shah was growing into the character of the Pakistani agent he had played in a film.
That a mere expression of anxiety about lawlessness and vigilantism could be fraught with such repercussions is deplorable in a democracy. Three years ago, another actor, Aamir Khan, was hounded for expressing alarm about growing intolerance; pressure was even applied on a private company to dismiss him as its brand ambassador. With each such reaction, the message is sent out to the next celebrity to hush his or her intervention in the public sphere. Governments have often given in to the mob’s diktats, either as the easy way out or for political signalling. In this case, the Rajasthan Chief Minister did the right thing by tweeting his regret over the fact that Mr. Shah couldn’t participate in the Ajmer event, saying his “administration was fully prepared to hold [the] festival peacefully”; some arrests of those who attempted to vandalise the festival venue have also been carried out. But his own record of standing up for free expression, like that of many other politicians, is marred by inconsistency and underwritten by expediency. In his previous stint as CM, Mr. Gehlot and his party were of a piece with those who pressured Salman Rushdie into pulling out of the Jaipur Literature Festival in 2012. Ultimately, it is the responsibility of those in power to support those who feel threatened for their views and to come down hard on those who attempt to silence them with intimidation and threats.
1) hurdles
Meaning : a problem or difficulty that must be overcome.(n)
Tamil Meaning : தடைகளை
Synonyms : difficulty
Antonyms : assistance
Example : “many would like to emigrate to the United States, but face formidable hurdles”
2) bilateral
Meaning : having or relating to two sides; affecting both sides.(adj)
Tamil Meaning : இருதரப்பு
Synonyms : mutual
Antonyms : multilateral
Example : “bilateral hearing”
3) fillip
Meaning : something which acts as a stimulus or boost to an activity.
Tamil Meaning : ஊக்கம்
Synonyms : charge
Antonyms : deterrence
Example : “the halving of car tax would provide a fillip to sales”
4) logistic
Meaning : relating to or involving organization and planning.
Synonyms : operational
Example : “logistical problems”
5) transit
Meaning : the action of passing through or across a place.
Synonyms : transport
Antonyms : hold
Example :”Guatemala is to have freedom of transit across Belize
6) desire
Meaning : a strong feeling of wanting to have something or wishing for something to happen.(n)
Tamil Meaning : ஆசை
Synonyms : ambition
Antonyms : disgust
Example : “he resisted public desires for choice in education”
7) fleet
Meaning : a number of vehicles or aircraft operating together or under the same ownership.
Synonyms : speedy
Antonyms : slow
Example : “a fleet of ambulances took the injured to hospital”
8) immense
Meaning : extremely large or great, especially in scale or degree.
Tamil Meaning : மகத்தான
Synonyms : endless
Antonyms : insignificant
Example : “the cost of restoration has been immense”
9) prosperity
Meaning : the state of being prosperous.(n)
Tamil Meaning : செழிப்பு
Synonyms : benefit
Antonyms : decrease
Example : “a long period of peace and prosperity”
10) tempered
Meaning : having a specified temper or disposition.
Tamil Meaning : கோபம்
Synonyms : abate
Antonyms : aggravate
Example : “ill-tempered”
11) waiver
Meaning : make (a problem, injury, or offence) worse or more serious.
Tamil Meaning : தீவிரமடைய
Synonyms : provoke
Antonyms : delight
Example : “military action would only aggravate the situation”
12) concessions
Meaning : a thing that is granted, especially in response to demands.
Tamil Meaning : சலுகை
Synonyms : compromise
Antonyms : disagreement
Example : “the government was unwilling to make any further concessions”
13) upheaval
Meaning : a violent or sudden change or disruption to something.(n)
Tamil Meaning : கொந்தளிப்பை
Synonyms : disruption
Antonyms : success
Example : “major upheavals in the financial markets”
14) concerns
Meaning : relate to; be about.
Tamil Meaning : கவலை
Synonyms : involvement
Antonyms : entertainment
Example : “the story concerns a friend of mine”
15) reconciliation
Meaning : the restoration of friendly relations.
Tamil Meaning : சமரசம்
Synonyms : agreement
Antonyms : dissension
Example : “his reconciliation with your uncle”
16) hedging
Meaning : the planting or trimming of hedges.
Tamil Meaning : ஏற்படுத்துவதற்கான
Synonyms : fudge
Antonyms : face
Example : “contract work for hedging and ditching”
17) diverted
Meaning : cause (someone or something) to change course or turn from one direction to another.(v)
Tamil Meaning : திருப்பி
Synonyms : amused
Antonyms : bored
Example : “a scheme to divert water from the river to irrigate agricultural land”
18) intricate
Meaning : very complicated or detailed.(adj)
Tamil Meaning : சிக்கலான
Synonyms : convoluted
Antonyms : apparent
Example : “an intricate network of canals”
19) threatened
Meaning : state one’s intention to take hostile action against (someone) in retribution for something done or not done.
Tamil Meaning : அச்சுறுத்தப்பட்ட
Synonyms : exposed
Antonyms : guarded
Example : “how dare you threaten me?”
20) sustained
Meaning : continuing for an extended period or without interruption.(adj)
Tamil Meaning : நீடித்த
Synonyms : continued
Antonyms : ending
Example : “several years of sustained economic growth”
21) nuanced
Meaning : characterized by subtle shades of meaning or expression(adj).
Tamil Meaning : நம்பக்கூடிய
Synonyms : distinction
Antonyms : brightness
Example : “Lowe’s work has gradually grown more nuanced”
22) intimidate
Meaning : frighten or overawe (someone), especially in order to make them do what one wants.
Tamil Meaning : அச்சுறுத்தும்
Synonyms : dismay
Antonyms : assure
Example : “the forts are designed to intimidate the nationalist population”
23) abruptly
Meaning : suddenly and unexpectedly.
Tamil Meaning : திடீரென
Synonyms : precipitously
Example : “the film ends rather abruptly”
24) torrent
Meaning : a strong and fast-moving stream of water or other liquid.(n)
Synonyms : deluge
Antonyms : drip
Example : “rain poured down in torrents”
25) heaped
Meaning : put (objects or a loose substance) in a heap.(v)
Tamil Meaning : சுமத்தியது
Synonyms : collected
Example : “she heaped logs on the fire”
26) coalition
Meaning : a temporary alliance for combined action, especially of political parties forming a government.
Synonyms : alliance
Antonyms : detachment
Example : “a coalition between Liberals and Conservatives”
27) hub
Meaning : the effective centre of an activity, region, or network.(n)
Tamil Meaning : மையமாக
Synonyms : core
Antonyms : exterior
Example : “the city has always been the financial hub of the country”
28) allegations
Meaning : a claim or assertion that someone has done something illegal or wrong, typically one made without proof.(n)
Tamil Meaning : குற்றச்சாட்டு
Synonyms : charge
Antonyms : exculpation
Example : “he made allegations of corruption against the administration”
29) carcasses
Meaning : the dead body of an animal.(n)
Synonyms : cadaver
Example : “she saw the mud-covered carcass of a sheep”
30) impunity
Meaning : exemption from punishment or freedom from the injurious consequences of an action.(n)
Tamil Meaning : தண்டனை
Synonyms : exception
Antonyms : denial
Example : “the impunity enjoyed by military officers implicated in civilian killings”
31) portrayed
Meaning : depict (someone or something) in a work of art or literature.
Tamil Meaning : சித்தரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ள
Synonyms : depict
Antonyms : confuse
Example : “the ineffectual Oxbridge dons portrayed by Evelyn Waugh”
32) acrimonious
Meaning : (typically of speech or discussion) angry and bitter.(adj)
Tamil Meaning : எரிச்சலோடு
Synonyms : bitter
Antonyms : helping
Example : “an acrimonious dispute about wages”
33) outburst
Meaning : a sudden release of strong emotion.(n)
Tamil Meaning : திடீர் எழுச்சி
Synonyms : eruption
Antonyms : calm
Example : “an angry outburst from the prime minister”
34) fringe
Meaning : an ornamental border of threads left loose or formed into tassels or twists, used to edge clothing or material.(n)
Tamil Meaning : விளிம்பு
Synonyms : hem
Antonyms : center
Example : “a long grey skirt with a fringe”
35) outrageously
Meaning : shockingly bad or excessive.
Tamil Meaning : அருவருப்புடன்
Synonyms : brutally
Example : “an outrageous act of bribery
36) mere
Meaning : used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or something is.(adj)
Tamil Meaning : வெறும்
Synonyms : bare
Antonyms : decorated
Example : “questions that cannot be answered by mere mortals”
37) repercussions
Meaning : an unintended consequence of an event or action, especially an unwelcome one.(n)
Tamil Meaning : தாக்கங்கள்
Synonyms : effect
Antonyms : cause
Example : “the move would have grave repercussions for the entire region”
38) deplorable
Meaning : deserving strong condemnation; completely unacceptable.
Tamil Meaning : வருந்தத்தக்க
Synonyms : disastrous
Antonyms : acceptable
Example : “children living in deplorable conditions”
39) hounded
Meaning : harass, persecute, or pursue relentlessly.
Synonyms : annoy
Antonyms : aid
Example : “she was hounded by the Italian press”
40) intervention
Meaning : the action or process of intervening.(n)
Tamil Meaning : தலையீடு
Synonyms : interference
Example : “a high degree of state intervention in the economy”