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Dear Aspirants,
THE HINDU EDITORIAL – October 15, 2018, is one of the must-read section for the competitive exams like IBPS PO, IBPS Clerk 2018, Indian Bank PO & LIC HFL 2018. These topics are widely expected to be asked in the reading comprehension, Cloze Test or Error Detection in the forthcoming exams. So gear up your Exam preparation and learn new words daily.
a) Untenable: on M.J. Akbar
The Minister of State for External Affairs, M.J. Akbar, should have done the only right thing in the circumstances — resign. This was the only course to limit the already significant damage to the high office he holds. His legacy in Indian journalism would also have been better served had he quit first and attempted to defend himself legally or otherwise later. Unfortunately, he chose not to. Upon his return to Delhi from an overseas official trip on Sunday, he went on the offensive by dismissing the long string of charges of sexual harassment made against him by former women colleagues as a tissue of lies. He chose to spin an unconvincing web of conspiracy around the sudden spate of the #MeToo disclosures over the last week. Mr. Akbar’s basic theme: with elections round the corner, these charges are motivated. There is a second, more specific line in his attempted defence — one that suggests that the gravamen of the charges is vague and unsubstantiated. While it is true that not every one of the dozen or so women have claimed they were physically assaulted, the overall picture they have painted is that of a systematic pattern of sexual harassment. Their stories range from suggestiveness and innuendo to outright molestation. Together they make for sad and worrying reading, but at least a couple highlight how far he seemed willing to go. Ghazala Wahab, now executive editor at FORCE magazine, has written of repeated molestation at his hands in the mid-1990s when he was her editor at Asian Age. Majlie de Puy Kamp, now a New York-based reporter, has spoken of how a decade later he forcibly kissed her when she was 18 and interning with him.
Mr. Akbar’s conspiracy theory that the #MeToo charges have settled upon him because elections are now looming is weak and totally unconvincing. He has no political heft and a conspiracy to tarnish him and secure his speedy exit from the Narendra Modi government would have left it none the weaker. Now that he has decided to dig his heels in, the focus cannot but shift to Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Why wasn’t his resignation demanded and secured on his return to the Capital? Surely, the Prime Minister had more than enough time to sift through the charges, take stock of Mr. Akbar’s alleged misdemeanours and conclude whether he should continue in the Cabinet. By failing to immediately force him to step down, Mr. Modi has sent an unfortunate message about his government’s attitude to harassment and the protection of women in workspaces. He has appeared as if he is standing behind Mr. Akbar and will be perceived by many as having failed India’s women.
b) Resisting resistance: on antibiotic misuse
Even as antibiotics lose their efficacy against deadly infectious diseases worldwide, it seems to be business as usual for governments, private corporations, and individuals who have the power to stall a post-antibiotic apocalypse. In a recent investigation, it was found that the world’s largest veterinary drug-maker, Zoetis, was selling antibiotics as growth promoters to poultry farmers in India, even though it had stopped the practice in the U.S. India is yet to regulate antibiotic-use in poultry, while the U.S. banned the use of antibiotics as growth-promoters in early 2017. So, technically, the drug-maker was doing nothing illegal and complying with local regulations in both countries. But such reasoning is self-defeating because antibiotic-resistance does not respect political boundaries. Of course, the country that stands to lose the most from antibiotic resistance is India, given that its burden of infectious disease is among the world’s highest. According to a 2016 PLOS Medicine paper, 416 of every 100,000 Indians die of infectious diseases each year. This is more than twice the U.S.’s crude infectious-disease mortality-rate in the 1940s when antibiotics were first used there. If these miracle drugs stop working, no one will be hit harder than India.
This is why the country’s progress towards a tighter regulatory regime must pick up pace. Consider the three major sources of resistance: overuse of antibiotics by human beings; overuse in the veterinary sector; and environmental antibiotic contamination due to pharmaceutical and hospital discharge. To tackle the first source, India classified important antibiotics under Schedule H1 of the Drugs and Cosmetics Rules 1945, so that they couldn’t be sold without prescriptions. Still, Schedule H1 drugs are freely available in pharmacies, with state drug-controllers unable to enforce the law widely. As far as veterinary use goes, India’s 2017 National Action Plan on Antimicrobial Resistance did talk about restricting antibiotic use as growth promoters. Sadly, no progress has been made on this front yet, allowing companies to sell last-resort drugs to farmers over the counter. The 2017 document also spoke about regulating antibiotics levels in discharge from pharmaceutical firms. For instance, Hyderabad’s pharmaceutical industry has been pumping massive amounts of antibiotics into local lakes, rivers, and sewers. This has led to an explosion in resistance genes in these waterbodies. Still, India is yet to introduce standards for antibiotics in wastewater, which means antibiotic discharge in sewage is not even being monitored regularly. As the country takes its time to formulate regulations, the toll from antibiotic-misuse is growing at an alarming rate. According to a 2013 estimate, around 58,000 newborns die in India each year due to sepsis from resistant bacteria. When these numbers mount, India will have no one to blame but itself.
1) Legacy
Meaning: Anything handed down from the past, as from an ancestor or predecessor
Tamil Meaning: மரபு/ பரம்பரைச்சொத்து
Synonyms: Inheritance, Heritage
Example: France’s current crop wants to build its own legacy, having grown up in the shadow of its nation’s 1998 triumph, the only one in French history.
2) Go(went) on the offensive
Meaning: begin to take strong action against people who have been attacking you.
Example: After her court appearance her lawyers went on the offensive.
3) String
Meaning: any series of things arranged or connected in a line or following closely one after another
Tamil Meaning: கோவை
Synonyms: Strand, Long
Antonyms: Individual
Example : a string of islands; a string of questions
4) Spate
Meaning : a sudden, almost overwhelming, outpouring
Synonyms : Deluge, Flurry
Example : a spate of angry words
5) Disclosures
Meaning: the act or an instance of disclosing; exposure; revelation
Tamil Meaning: வெளிப்படுத்தல்
Synonyms: acknowledgment, revelation, admission
Antonyms : concealment, denial, cover-up
Example : He offered full disclosure of the government files on the assassination
6) round the corner
Meaning : Around (round) the corner
Tamil Meaning : மிகவும் அருகில்
Synonyms : adjacent, nearby,adjoining
Antonyms : distant, beyond
Example : There’s a chemist round the corner
7) vague
Meaning : of uncertain, indefinite, or unclear character or meaning.
Tamil Meaning : தெளிவற்ற
Synonyms : indistinct, indefinite, indeterminate
Antonyms : clear, precise, firm, sharpness
Example : “Many patients suffer vague symptoms”
8) unsubstantiated
Meaning: not supported or proven by evidence.
Tamil Meaning: ஆதாரமற்ற
Synonyms: unconfirmed, unsupported, uncorroborated
Antonyms: well founded, undeniable
Example : Unsubstantiated claims
9) Harassment
Meaning: aggressive pressure or intimidation.
Tamil Meaning: தொல்லை கொடுத்தல / அலைக்கழித்தல்
Synonyms: persecution, harrying, pestering, badgering
Antonyms: cooperation, assistance
Example : She sued her boss for sexual harassment.
10) innuendo
Meaning : an allusive or oblique remark or hint, typically a suggestive or disparaging one.
Tamil Meaning : அவமதிப்பாக
Synonyms : insinuation, implication
Antonyms : Evidence, Proof
Example : she’s always making sly innuendoes
11) at his hands (at the hand(s) of)
Meaning : Due to the actions of.
Example : At least her first loss came at the hands of a very formidable opponent.
12) Conspiracy
Meaning : a secret plan by a group to do something unlawful or harmful.
Tamil Meaning : சதி
Synonyms : plot, scheme, stratagem
Antonyms : Honesty, Ignorance
Example : “a conspiracy to destroy the government”.
13) Looming
Meaning : appear as a vague form, especially one that is large or threatening.
Synonyms : emerge, appear, become visible
Antonyms : Decline, Leave, Fall
Example : vehicles loomed out of the darkness
14) Heft
Meaning : ability or influence
Tamil Meaning : தன்மைகளை
Synonyms : Weight, Charge
Antonyms : Benefit, Blessing
Example : They lacked the political heft to get the formulation banned
15) tarnish
Meaning: damage or harm done to something.
Tamil Meaning: களங்கம்
Synonyms: smear, black mark, slur
Antonyms: Aid, Fix, Heal
Example: The tarnish on Alan’s personal reputation
16) take stock
Meaning: make an overall assessment of a particular situation, typically before making a decision.
Tamil Meaning: கணக்கு எடு
Synonyms: review, assess, reassess, Inspect
Antonyms: Disprove, Invalidate, Forget, Neglect
Example: “He needed a period of peace and quiet in order to take stock of his life”
17) Misdemeanours
Meaning: a minor wrongdoing.
Tamil Meaning: தவறான நடவடிக்கை
Synonyms : wrongdoing, evil deed, crime, felony
Antonyms: Obedience
Example: The player can expect a suspension for his latest misdemeanor
18) Perceived
Meaning : become aware or conscious of (something); come to realize or understand.
Tamil Meaning : உணரப்பட்ட
Synonyms : discern, recognize, become cognizant of
Antonyms : Misunderstand, Neglect
Example: “His mouth fell open as he perceived the truth”
19) dig his heels in
Meaning: To cling stubbornly to one’s beliefs, position, or wishes / to refuse to do something even though other people are trying to persuade you
Example: The more we argued, the more she dug her heels in.
20) Untenable
Meaning : not able to be maintained or defended against attack or objection
Tamil Meaning : ஏற்றுக்கொள்ளத்தக்கதல்ல என்ற நிலை
Synonyms: indefensible, undefendable, unarguable
Example : “This argument is clearly untenable”
21) efficacy
Meaning: the ability to produce a desired or intended result.
Tamil Meaning : பலாபலன்
Synonyms: adequacy, ability
Example : “He questioned the efficacy of the alarms in actually preventing auto theft”.
22) pick up
Meaning : an improvement, especially in an economy
Synonyms: improvement, recovery, revival
Antonyms: slump, downturn
Example : “a pickup in the housing market”.
23) Contamination
Meaning : the action or state of making or being made impure by polluting or poisoning.
Tamil Meaning : கலப்படம்
Example: the risk of contamination by dangerous bacteria.
24) enforce
Meaning: Compel observance of or compliance with (a law, rule, or obligation).
Tamil Meaning : செயல்படுத்த
Synonyms: impose, apply, carry out
Antonyms: voluntary
Example: “the role of the police is to enforce the law
25) Restrict
Meaning : limit someone to only doing or having (a particular thing) or staying in (a particular place).
Tamil Meaning : கட்டுப்படுத்தும்
Synonyms: confine, limit; make do with only
Antonyms : Allow, Assist, Expand
Example: “I shall restrict myself to a single example”
26) regulating
Meaning : control or maintain the rate or speed of (a machine or process) so that it operates properly
Tamil Meaning : சீர்படுத்து
Synonyms: supervise, oversee
Antonyms : Damage , Worsen
Example: “the Code regulates the takeovers of all public companies”
27) Discharge
Meaning : allow (a liquid, gas, or other substance) to flow out from where it has been confined.
Tamil Meaning : வெளியேற்ற
Synonyms : leak, leaking, emission
Antonyms: Hold, Assign
Example: “industrial discharge has turned the river into an open sewer
28) Massive
Meaning : exceptionally large.
Tamil Meaning : பெரிய
Synonyms : huge, enormous, gigantic
Antonyms : Dwarfed, Little
Example : “massive crowds are expected”
29) explosion
Meaning : a violent shattering or blowing apart of something, as is caused by a bomb.
Synonyms: detonation, discharge, eruption
Antonyms: Implosion
Example: Edward was in the car when he heard the explosion”
30) resistance
Meaning : the refusal to accept or comply with something.
Tamil Meaning : எதிர்ப்பு
Synonyms : opposition to, hostility to, aversion to,
Antonyms : Aid, Help, Peace
Example : “They displayed a narrow-minded resistance to change”
31) formulate
Meaning : create or prepare methodically.
Tamil Meaning : முறைப்படுத்துதல்
Synonyms: draw up, put together, work out
Antonyms : Halt, Ruin, Destroy
Example : “The government has formulated a policy on waste management”
32) misuse
Meaning : use (something) in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose.
Synonyms : misapply, misemploy, embezzle
Antonyms: Praise
Example : “he was found guilty of misusing public funds”
33) stall
Meaning : stop or cause to stop making progress.
Tamil Meaning : தாமதப்படுத்தும்
Synonyms : obstruct, impede, interfere with
Antonyms : Advance, Aid , Allow
Example : “his career had stalled, hers taken off”
34) Regulate
Meaning : control (something, especially a business activity) by means of rules and regulations.
Tamil Meaning : கட்டுப்படுத்தும
Synonyms : supervise, oversee
Antonyms: Damage, Neglect
Example: “the Code regulates the takeovers of all public companies”
35) Comply
Meaning : act in accordance with a wish or command.
Synonyms : observe, obey
Antonyms: Disobey, Deny
Example : “we are unable to comply with your request”
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long time …why sir
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