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THE HINDU EDITORIAL – September 4, 2018 is one of the must read section for the competitive exams like IBPS RRB PO, IBPS RRB Office Assistant 2018, RBI Grade “B” 2018 & NIACL Assistant 2018. These topics are widely expected to be asked in the reading comprehension , Cloze Test or Error Detection topics in the forthcoming exams. So gear up your Exam preparation and learn new words daily.
A) Medal meter: on India at Asian Games 2018
With 69 medals, India’s performance at the Asian Games has many lessons going forward
India’s best-ever Asian Games medal haul at Jakarta has brought much cheer. The Indian contingent raked in 69 medals, including 15 gold. It may have lagged at eighth place on the medals table, way behind China with its 289 medals — but compared to recent Asiads, India registered significant progress in many events, with heroic performances among both women and men. These will go a long way in inspiring others, and also hopefully making the sports administration more responsive to the needs of athletes. Track and field was a happy hunting ground, with India picking up 19 medals, including seven of its total 15 golds. Javelin thrower Neeraj Chopra, whose gold-winning 88.06m makes him among the world’s best, particularly shone. As did Swapna Barman, who kept ahead of the pack to win gold in heptathlon even as she coped with a painful tooth infection and shoes far from ideal for her six-toed feet. Boxer Amit Panghal shocked Uzbekistan’s Olympic champion Hasanboy Dusmatov with a split verdict in the men’s 49 kg category. Shooting and wrestling seized two gold medals each while table tennis broke its Asian Games drought with two bronze medals. P.V. Sindhu claimed the country’s maiden Asiad silver in badminton and Saina Nehwal got a bronze. There were disappointments too, especially in kabaddi, in which for the first time both the men’s and women’s teams finished without a gold medal. In men’s hockey, India, the defending champion and favourite, slumped with a bronze, missing automatic qualification for the Olympics in Tokyo.
While India improved on its previous best of 65 at the 2010 Guangzhou Asian Games, it remains miles behind Asian powerhouses like China and Japan, the top two in Jakarta. The fact that one woman swimmer from Japan, Rikako Ikee, who was adjudged as the Asiad’s Most Valuable Player, could win six golds gives a fair idea of where India stands. While the competition in track and field had audiences riveted, it is a sobering reality check that independent India has not won a single medal in athletics at the Olympics; China already has 32, including eight golds, and Japan has 25, with seven of them gold. Hope of this equation changing rests on Chopra, who could excel in global events in the years to come, and perhaps on under-20 world champion Hima Das, whose time of 50.79s got her the 400m silver. India should now build on its Asiad success to do better at the 2020 Tokyo Olympic Games than it did in Rio de Janeiro in 2016, when the contingent returned with just two medals. It also needs to ensure that the sport is clean.
B) The nature of dissent
Dissent is necessary not only for democracy — it is necessary for the survival of the human race
Disagreeing with each other is a fundamental human trait. There is not a single individual who does not disagree with something or the other all the time. Philosophers argue that a baby meaningfully attains its sense of the self — its recognition of ‘I’ and the concept of ‘mine’ — when it first begins to say ‘no’. At a primordial level, we become individuals only through this act of stating our disagreement. There is no family without dissent between parents and the children, or between the siblings. A family which learns to deal with dissent rather than authoritatively dismissing it is a more harmonious family.
A way of being
We dissent at home, with our friends and with our colleagues in the places we work. It is through these ways of dissenting that we establish a relationship with them. Our relations with our friends are based as much on how we learn to live with our disagreements as on other things. The relationship between spouses is filled with many moments of disagreement. If our friends and family consist only of those who agree with us all the time, then we will not have any friends and family. Learning to live with others, the first requisite for a social existence, is about learning how to live with them when they disagree with us.
Dissent is so ingrained in us that we don’t even need others to disagree. We constantly disagree with ourselves. We argue with our own selves all the time as if each one of us is an individual made up of many selves. When we think, we are often dissenting with our own selves. When we stifle dissent within our own minds, we stop thinking. Many of our meaningful acts also occur from this dissenting conversation of our many selves.
Social dissent
Dissent is thus a condition of existence and the real problem is not dissent but silent assent. When we agree collectively, we are silently assenting, agreeing with what is being said and done. This is really not the existential characteristic of a human being but only that of a ‘bonded mind’. However, some might say that assent is the way societies come together, and it is needed for a stable society. But this is plain wrong. Just as a baby attains its sense of self through dissent, so too does a society get its own identity by learning to dissent. In other words, we will have a stronger identity of what our society and nation are through forms of dissent.
Moreover, every process of forming the social needs dissent. A group made up of people who agree to everything all the time is not really a society but an oligarchy. It becomes a society only through disagreements and dissent. Dissent, paradoxically, is the glue which makes a decent society possible.
A mature society is one which has the capacity to manage dissent since members of a society will always disagree with each other on something or the other. Democratic societies are the best of the available models in managing dissent with the least harmful effect on the dissenter. This is the true work of democracy; elections and voting are the means to achieve this. The essence of democracy is to be found in the method it uses to deal with dissent, which is through discussion and debate, along with particular ethical norms.
A democratic society manages dissent by trying to make individual practices of dissent into social practices. Academics and research are two important activities where dissent is at the core. No society has survived without making changes to what was present earlier. New knowledge and new ways of understanding the world, for good or bad, has always been part of every society.
How is new knowledge, new understanding, created? Many new ideas arise by going against earlier established norms and truths. Science, in its broadest meaning, is not possible without dissent since it is by finding flaws with the views of others that new science is created. No two philosophers agree on one point, and no two social scientists are in perfect harmony with each other’s thoughts. Artists are constantly breaking boundaries set by their friends and peers. Buddha and Mahavira were dissenters first and philosophers next. The Ramayana and Mahabharata are filled with stories of dissent and responsible ways of dealing with it.
Thus, when academics dissent, it is part of their job expectation to do so! Dissent is not just about criticism, it is also about showing new perspectives. The scientific community does not imprison scientists for dissenting although we are increasingly finding today that social scientists and artists are being targeted in the name of dissent. This has grown to such an extent that when faculty members dissent about unlawful hiring practices, they face harassment and suspension.
It is not that dissent is necessary only for democracy — it is necessary for the survival of the human race. Any society which eradicates dissent has only succeeded in eradicating itself. We cannot afford to forget the examples of Nazi Germany or Stalinist Russia. A sustainable, harmonious society can only be formed from practices which deal with dissent respectfully and ethically.
thics of dissent
The importance of dissent is not just that it is good for democracy. There is also a fundamental ethical principle involved in dissent. Any society which muzzles dissent is acting unethically. Let me give two ethical principles associated with dissent. First, its relation to non-violence, a principle which is so integral to the unique Indian practices of dissent from ancient times to Gandhi and Ambedkar. Second, dissent is an ethical means of protecting those who are worse off than others. Dissent is not mere complaint which all of us, however privileged we are, indulge in. Social dissent is a necessary voice for all those who are oppressed and are marginalised for various reasons. This is the only thing they have in a world which has denied them the basic dignity of a social life.
The ethical principle is that the worse off in a society have greater right to dissent and protest even when the more privileged may not agree or sympathise with that dissent. This is the truly ethical principle that can sustain a mature society. Thus, when we hear the voices of dissent from the oppressed and the marginalised, it is ethically incumbent upon those who are better off than them to give them greater space and greater freedom to dissent. Any of us, particularly the more well-off population, who support any government which wants to use its power to stop dissent of those who are suffering from injustice of various kinds are being used as partners in this unethical action. We act immorally when we sit in the comfort of our homes and abuse those who fight for the rights of the poor and oppressed. When we condemn them in the name of the nation, we are performing an unethical act of further condemning those who are already condemned.
1) coped
Meaning : (of a person) deal effectively with something difficult.
Tamil Meaning : சமாளிக்க
Synonyms : endure , grapple
Antonyms : hold
Example : “his ability to cope with stress”
2) seized
Meaning : take hold of suddenly and forcibly.
Tamil Meaning : பறிமுதல்
Synonyms : captured
Antonyms : release
Example : “she jumped up and seized his arm”
3) verdict
Meaning : a decision on an issue of fact in a civil or criminal case or an inquest.
Tamil Meaning : தீர்ப்பு
Synonyms : answer , award
Antonyms : accusation
Example : “the jury returned a verdict of not guilty”
4) slumped
Meaning : sit, lean, or fall heavily and limply.
Tamil Meaning : சரிந்தது
Synonyms : collapse , hunch
Antonyms : ascend
Example : “she slumped against the cushions”
5) riveted
Meaning : join or fasten (plates of metal) with a rivet or rivets.
Tamil Meaning : துளைக்கப்பட்டதை
Synonyms : decided , resolved
Antonyms : flexible
Example : “the linings are bonded, not riveted, to the brake shoes for longer wear”
6) sobering
Meaning : make or become sober after drinking alcohol.
Synonyms : restrained , serious
Antonyms : agitated
Example : “that coffee sobered him up”
7) trait.
Meaning : a distinguishing quality or characteristic, typically one belonging to a person.
Tamil Meaning : பண்பாகும்.
Synonyms : feature
Antonyms : normality
Example : “the traditionally British trait of self-denigration”
8) primordial
Meaning : existing at or from the beginning of time; primeval.
Tamil Meaning : ஆதியிலிருந்து
Synonyms : primeval
Antonyms : modern
Example : “the primordial oceans”
9) dissent
Meaning : the holding or expression of opinions at variance with those commonly or officially held.
Tamil Meaning : எதிர்ப்பை
Synonyms : opposition
Antonyms : agreement
Example : “there was no dissent from this view”
10) authoritatively
Meaning : in a way that is trusted as being accurate or true; with authority.
Tamil Meaning : அதிகாரப்பூர்வமாக
Synonyms : approvedly
Antonyms : casually
Example : “he could speak authoritatively on art, philosophy, literature, history, current affairs”
11) harmonious
Meaning : forming a pleasing or consistent whole.
Tamil Meaning : களிப்போடு
Synonyms : amicable , balanced
Antonyms : hostile
Example : “the decor is a harmonious blend of traditional and modern”
12) requisite
Meaning : made necessary by particular circumstances or regulations.
Tamil Meaning : தேவையான
Synonyms : precondition
Antonyms : nonessential
Example : “the application will not be processed until the requisite fee is paid”
13) ingrained
Meaning : (of a habit, belief, or attitude) firmly fixed or established; difficult to change.
Tamil Meaning : வேரூன்றியிருக்கும்
Synonyms : implanted , innate
Antonyms : extrinsic
Example : “his deeply ingrained Catholic convictions”
14) selves
Meaning :
Tamil Meaning :
Synonyms :
Antonyms :
Example :
15) stifle
Meaning : make (someone) unable to breathe properly; suffocate.
Tamil Meaning : சமூகவியலார்கள்
Synonyms : muzzle repress
Antonyms : allow
Example : “those in the streets were stifled by the fumes”
16) assent.
Meaning : the expression of approval or agreement.
Tamil Meaning : ஒப்புதல்
Synonyms : concurrence
Antonyms : disagreement
Example : “a loud murmur of assent”
17) oligarchy
Meaning : a small group of people having control of a country or organization.
Tamil Meaning : தன்னலக் குழு
Synonyms : autocracy , cruelty
Antonyms : democracy
Example : “the ruling oligarchy of military men around the president”
18) paradoxically
Meaning : in a seemingly absurd or self-contradictory way.
Tamil Meaning : முரண்பாடாக
Synonyms : alert
Antonyms : considerate deferential
Example : “the strength of capitalism is, paradoxically, also its weakness”
19) ethical
Meaning : relating to moral principles or the branch of knowledge dealing with these.
Tamil Meaning : நெறிமுறைகள்
Synonyms : humane , honest
Antonyms : corrupt
Example : “ethical issues in nursing”
20) flaws
Meaning : a mark, blemish, or other imperfection which mars a substance or object.
Tamil Meaning : குறைபாடு
Synonyms : defect , failing
Antonyms : blessing
Example : “a flaw in the glass”
21) harmony
Meaning : the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes to produce a pleasing effect.
Tamil Meaning : நல்லிணக்கம்
Synonyms : consistency , cooperation
Antonyms : disagreement
Example : “the piece owes its air of tranquillity largely to the harmony”
22) peers.
Meaning : look with difficulty or concentration at someone or something.
Tamil Meaning : சக.
Synonyms : associate
Antonyms : inferior
Example : “Faye peered at her with suspicion”
23) criticism
Meaning : the expression of disapproval of someone or something on the basis of perceived faults or mistakes.
Tamil Meaning : திறனாய்வு
Synonyms : assessment , comment
Antonyms : neglect
Example : “he received a lot of criticism”
24) perspectives
Meaning : the art of representing three-dimensional objects on a two-dimensional surface so as to give the right impression of their height
Tamil Meaning : கண்ணோட்டங்கள்
Synonyms : attitude , mindset
Antonyms : hopeless
Example : “the theory and practice of perspective”
25) afford
Meaning : provide or supply (an opportunity or facility).
Tamil Meaning : வாங்க
Synonyms : manage , allow
Antonyms : refuse
Example : “the rooftop terrace affords beautiful views”
26) muzzles
Meaning : the projecting part of the face, including the nose and mouth, of an animal such as a dog or horse.
Tamil Meaning : சங்கிலியில்லாமல்
Synonyms : cover, envelope
Antonyms : liberate
Example : “she patted the horse’s velvety muzzle”
27) integral
Meaning : necessary to make a whole complete; essential or fundamental.
Tamil Meaning : ஒருங்கிணைந்த
Synonyms : elemental , essential
Antonyms : accessory
Example : “games are an integral part of the school’s curriculum”
28) privileged
Meaning : having special rights, advantages, or immunities.
Tamil Meaning : சலுகை
Synonyms : honored
Antonyms : poor
Example : “in the nineteenth century only a privileged few had the vote”
29) indulge
Meaning : allow oneself to enjoy the pleasure of.
Tamil Meaning : ஈடுபடுதல்
Synonyms : nourish , pamper
Antonyms : deprive
Example : “we indulged in a cream tea”
30) mere
Meaning : used to emphasize how small or insignificant someone or something is.
Tamil Meaning : வெறும்
Synonyms : pure , bare
Antonyms : decorated
Example : “questions that cannot be answered by mere mortals”
31) oppressed
Meaning : subject to harsh and authoritarian treatment.
Tamil Meaning : ஒடுக்கப்பட்ட
Synonyms : abused , destitute
Antonyms : alleviated
Example : “oppressed racial minorities”
32) incumbent
Meaning : necessary for (someone) as a duty or responsibility.
Tamil Meaning : பதவியில்
Synonyms : binding
Antonyms : unnecessary
Example : “the government realized that it was incumbent on them to act”
33) condemn
Meaning : express complete disapproval of; censure.
Tamil Meaning : கண்டனம்
Synonyms : censure , decry
Antonyms : approve
Example : “most leaders roundly condemned the attack”
34) marginal
Meaning : treat (a person, group, or concept) as insignificant or peripheral.
Synonyms : minor
Antonyms : central
Example : “by removing religion from the public space, we marginalize it”
35) immoral
Meaning : not conforming to accepted standards of morality.
Tamil Meaning : ஒழுக்கக்கேடான
Synonyms : corrupt
Antonyms : decent
Example : “unseemly and immoral behaviour”
36) denied
Meaning : state that one refuses to admit the truth or existence of.
Tamil Meaning : மறுத்தார்
Synonyms : oppose , contradict
Antonyms : accept
Example : “both firms deny any responsibility for the tragedy”
37) sympathise
Meaning : feel or express sympathy.
Tamil Meaning : பரிதாபப்பட
Synonyms : comprehend
Antonyms : scorn
Example : “it is easy to understand and sympathize with his predicament”
38) contingent
Meaning : subject to chance.
Tamil Meaning : எதிர்பாராத
Synonyms : unforeseen
Antonyms : designed
Example : “the contingent nature of the job”
39) defending
Meaning : resist an attack made on (someone or something); protect from harm or danger.
Tamil Meaning : பாதுகாக்க
Synonyms : fight , prevent
Antonyms : desert
Example : “we shall defend our island, whatever the cost”
40) maiden
Meaning : being or involving the first attempt or act of its kind.
Synonyms : inaugural
Antonyms : final
Example : “the Titanic’s maiden voyage”
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