Alpha Numeric For SBI PO Set – 30

Alpha Numeric For SBI PO Set – 30
1) Answer the following questions based on the arrangement given below:
Y Q @ 1 & C N 3 P L B 9 = D * E 2 π M V$ # 4 F G 5
What will come in the place of ‘?’ on the following series?
Y5F 5Y@ QG4 GQ1 ‘?’
a) F@&
b) 14$
c) @F#
d) 41C
e) None of these
2) Answer the following questions based on the arrangement given below:
Y Q @ 1 & C N 3 P L B 9 = D * E 2 π M V$ # 4 F G 5
Four of the following five are alike in a certain way based on the above arrangement and hence form a group. Which one does not belong to the group?
a) CL39
b) DπEV
c) VF#5
d) &PNB
e) LD9*
3) Answer the following questions based on the arrangement given below:
Y Q @ 1 & C N 3 P L B 9 = D * E 2 π M V$ # 4 F G 5
C13 : L39 in the same way as N & P : ?
a) BP=
b) L39
c) D9E
d) *=2
e) 2*M
4) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below.
M ? 2 D B 7 A 4 * 9 6 $ T + N 5 @ V E W # U 8 F © 3
How many such prime numbers are there in the given arrangement each of which is immediately followed by a symbol and preceded by a consonant?
a) None
b) One
c) Two
d) Three
e) More than three
5) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below.
M ? 2 D B 7 A 4 * 9 6 $ T + N 5 @ V E W # U 8 F © 3
If the places- of the symbols are interchanged with those of the numbers immediately following them in the given arrangement then which of the following will be the eleventh from the right end?
a) V
b) @
c) 5
d) N
e) None of these
6) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below.
M ? 2 D B 7 A 4 * 9 6 $ T + N 5 @ V E W # U 8 F © 3
Which of the following is the seventh letter to the left of #?
a) A
b) N
c) T
d) B
e) None of these
7) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below.
M ? 2 D B 7 A 4 * 9 6 $ T + N 5 @ V E W # U 8 F © 3
If the symbols and numbers are dropped from the given arrangement and then the letters are rearranged in alphabetical order which of the following will be the sixth from the left end?
a) M
b) F
c) N
d) E
e) None of these
8) Study the following arrangement carefully and answer the questions given below.
M ? 2 D B 7 A 4 * 9 6 $ T + N 5 @ V E W # U 8 F © 3
What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following series based on the above arrangement?
2 7 B 4 6 9 T 5 N ?
a) @WE
b) 5EV
c) VU#
d) V#W
e) None of these
9) Study the following arrangement at answer the question based on it
B # A R 5 8 E % M F 4 J 1 U @ H 2 © 9 T I 6 * W 3 P # K 7 $ Y S
Which of the following is the twelfth to the left of the twentieth from the left end of the above arrangement?
a) W
b) %
c) $
d) J
e) None of these
10) Study the following arrangement at answer the question based on it
B # A R 5 8 E % M F 4 J 1 U @ H 2 © 9 T I 6 * W 3 P # K 7 $ Y S
How many such numbers are there in the above arrangement each of which is immediately preceded by a consonant and also immediately followed by a symbol?
a) None
b) Two
c) One
d) Three
e) More than three