Computer Awareness MCQ : Set 4

Computer Awareness MCQ : Set 4
1) Another name for a logic chip is
b) memory
c) Microprocessor
d) ROM
e) None of these
2) The capacity of 3.5 inch floppy disk is
a) 1.40MB
b) 1.44 GB
c) 1.40 GB
d) 1.45 MB
e) 1.44 MB
3) Computer gets ββββ with the help of mouse or keyboard
a) Insert
b) Instructions
c) Guides
d) Input
e) None of these
4) An area of the microprocessor chip used to temporarily store instructions and data that the processor is likely to use frequently is termed as
a) ALU
b) Bus
c) Cache
d) CPU
e) Flash
5) What is an onscreen picture that represents an object, such as a Program or file?
a) Spool
b) NOS
c) Page
d) Pointer
e) Icon
6) A bar code reader is an example of
a) processing device
b) Storage device
c) Input device
d) Output device
e) Printer
7) Which of the following represents the fastest data transmission speed?
a) Bandwidth
b) bps
c) gbps
d) kbps
e) mbps
8) The process of copying software programs from a secondary storage media to the hard disk is known as
a) Uploading
b) Installation
c) Downloading
d) Storage
e) Configuration
9) The simultaneous processing of two or more programs in which a single CPU is involved is termed as
a) Multiprocessing
b) Multitasking
c) Multiprogramming
d) Time-Sharing
e) None of these
10) The programme that uses a variety of different approaches to identify and eliminate spam is known as
a) Webcrawler
b) directory search
c) Web server
d) Anti-spam programme
e) None of these
1 comment
4 th question answer is CACHE