Computer Awareness Quiz : Set – 40

1. Which key is used to indent a paragraph in MS word ?

1) Shift

2) tab

3) Ctrl

4) Esc

5) None of these

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2) tab

2. Name of the executable file of MS word is-

1) MS Word

2) MS Word .exe

3) Win Word

4) Win Word.exe

5) None of these

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4) Win Word.exe

3._________ is the process of finding and removing errors in software code.

1) Debugging

2) Compiling

3) Testing

4) Running

5) None of these

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(1) Debugging

4. Linux is a (n)______ ______ operating system.

1) open-source

2) Microsoft

3) Windows

4) Mac

5) None of these

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(1) open-source

5. Which of the following places the common data elements in order from smallest to largest

1) character, file, record, field, database

2) character, record, field, database, file

3) character, field, record, file, database

4) Bit, byte, character, record, field, file, database,

5) None of these

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3) character, field, record, file, database

6. The vast network of computers that connects millions of people all over the world is called—

1) LAN

2) Web

3) Hypertext

4) Internet

5) None of these

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4) Internet

7. The software component of an export system that draws conclusion is the

1) User interface

2) Database

3) Inference engine

4) I/O controller

5) Model Base

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3)Inference engine

8. The OSI model is divided into_______ processes called layers.

1) five

2) six

3) seven

4) eight

5) None of these

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3) seven

9. ________ are specially designed computer chips which reside inside other devices, such as your car or your electronic thermostat.

1) Servers

2) Embedded computers

3) Robotic computers

4) Mainframes

5) None of these

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(2) Embedded computers

10. In a ring topology , the computer in possession of the______ can trasmit data

1) packet

2) data

3) access method

4) token

5) None of these

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4) token