CRACK IBPS PO : Spotting Errors Day 27
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CRACK IBPS PO : Spotting Errors Day 27
1. Whatever be the work (a) / that which you undertake (b) / put your best efforts (c) / in it (d) / no error (e)
2. I will put on (a) / a note in this regard (b) / for your consideration (c) / and necessary decision (d) / no error (e)
3. All the doctors were (a) / puzzled on the (b) / strange symptoms (c) / reported by the patient (d) / no error (e)
4. He has been working on (a) / the problem from a long time (b) / but is still not (c) / able to solve it (d) / no error (e)
5. The detective says that (a) / there is no chance for (b) / finding the person (c) / who wrote these letters (d) / no error (e)
6. Rekha was trying for admission (a) / in the Engineering College (b) / even though her parents wanted (c) / her to take up medicine.
7. He fixed a metal ladder (a) / for the wall below his window (b) / so as to be able to (c) / escape if there was a fire (d) / no error (e)
8. Several prominent figures (a) / involved in the scandal (b) / are required to appear (c) / to the investigation committee (d) / no error (e)
9. He grow up the way (a) / many young children grow up (b) / pampered, adored (c) / and inwardly tortured (d) / no error (e)
10. He pulled his lips together, (a) / close his eyes (b) / and I watched the first teardrop (c) / fall down the side of his cheek (d) / no error (e)
Answers Key With Explanations:
1. (b) ‘That which’ is redundant; simply ‘that’ will do.
2. (a) The phrase ‘put on’ means ‘wear’ or ‘apply’. It should be ‘put in’ here; ‘put in’ means ‘submit’ a request, claim.
3. (b) The correct preposition is to be used. One is puzzled ‘by’ something, and not ‘on’ it.
4. (b) The correct preposition is to be used. We work on something ‘for’ some time.
5. (b) ‘Of’ is the correct preposition; it should replace ‘for’.
6. (e) No error.
7. (b) A ladder is fixed ‘to’ the wall, not ‘for’ it. If instead of ‘fixed’, the word used is ‘placed’ the preposition would be ‘against’.
8. (d) One appears ‘before’ an investigation committee, not ‘to’ it.
9. (a) A past tense should be used in the first part of the sentence to maintain the correct tense form.
10. (b) Use ‘closed’, not ‘close’. The past tense verb should be used throughout.
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