Important Synonyms and Antonyms – Part 5 (This words taken from The Hindu Editorial Page)

S.No Word Synonym Antonym
81 Oppress Persecute, Repress Praise
82 Vulnerable Endangered Invulnerable
83 Elude Avoid Attract
84 Manifest Obvious, Transparent Hidden
85 Deception Duplicity Frankness
86 Barren Infertile Fruitful
87 Infamy Disgrace, Wickedness Honour, Virtue
88 Intrepid Fearless, Dynamic Fearful, Cowardly
89 Prodigal Extravagant, Improvident Economical, Thrifty
90 Perspicacious Clever, Aware Ignorant
91 Liberty Independence, Sovereignty Dependence
92 Glossy Bright Dull
93 Notoriety Infamy Anonymity
94 Hesitant Uncertain Confident
95 Extrovert Socialize Introvert
96 Forbearance Toleration Wildness
97 Genial Cordial Unfriendly
98 Accrue Follow Diminish
99 Suffice Serve Refuse
100 Loquacious Voluble Reticent