Essay Writing : Consolidation of Small Banks and their Implications on Work Force
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Essay Writing :
Consolidation of Small Banks and their Implications on Work Force
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Part 1: Introduction – 50 words
Part 2: Main Part – 150 words
Part 3 : Conclusion – 50 Words.
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We have Provided an Essay topic : Consolidation of Small Banks and their Implications on Work Force.
Word Limit : 50 Words
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Consolidation of banks means – combining their assets, liabilities and management into one.This is the need of the hour as rising NPAs and low turnovers are bogging down banks.This is evident in the PCA(Prompt corrective action ) undertaken by Rbi against two UCO and IDBI banks.
While the economy and the bank might be advantaged from this, the workforce will suffer the bitter pangs of consolidation.Under changed work norms, the different environment the workers might feel a loss of their work identity.Their job roles will overlap leading to degrading performance.Confusion about the hierarchy might lead to loss of motivation the workplace.Cultural differences along with nonalignment of technology interfaces further stress the employees.
The Human resource has to work religiously in ironing out such problems.The change after consolidation has to be in tandem with its employees.Only then will the consolidation exercise be a successful one.Keeping in mind these things, a consolidated entity will gradually increase its return on investments.
very good writing . Keep it up
Merging of small banks will be good steps towards the strengthening of small banking sector. As NPA is the biggest thread to all financial institutions including giants like SBI, ICICI, etc. The merger of small banks is mandatory. While doing so these merged small banks can afford to form ARCs, other business strengthening related activities thereby there is a fair chance of these small bank become a private bank.
Right now Banking sector is growing like anything. Small banks may/may not be in a position to sustain in current scenario. Consolidation will surely bring synergytic effect in small banking sector.
Thank you..
You have good skills in writing but while writing don’t post any of your thoughts “For Example The merger of small banks is mandatory”.
Merging can be a boon to economy,hits the aspirants.
Consolidation of banks was brought to India long ago when people have heard on with the big mergers of New bank of India with PNB, and happens mostly with SBI as they have good number of subsidiaries.
Aspirants may be having less openings on the negative side of merger. But really these small banks can have a good scope for their future while getting along with big hands, boosting the economy as well making the bank well known among other nations in terms of work force strength.
Thus, bringing a good prosperous to nation as well as a survival to small fishes in the big ocean.
You have good descriptive skills but if you have also spoke about Implication on work force, your article will be excellent
During the last few years, the issue of consolidation of banks has come out as a burning issue. Consolidation of banks means merging the one or more bank into the single ones.
The ideas behind the consolidation is to curb the problem of NPA’s. The amount of NPA’S has been growing year by year and the central government suggested that instead of large number of banks in an economy, it is better to have fewer ones but healthier. On the other side, consolidation will have negative impact. By consolidation, on going recruitment will be halted, few branches of that bank may be shut down and problem arises at seniority level. And the over independent on single ones can collapse the economy.
So, we can conclude that consolidation have both negative as well as positive effect.
You have good writing skills
All the best for the exams
i couldn’t find out where to write article on this topic. Please tell me the procedure. Thanks in advance.
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The consolidation of existing small banks and their implications on work force has some pros and cons. A lot of time and manpower to be needed to achieve this process. Moreover, we must identity the banks which are poor in performance.
The existing systems, norms, rules and regulations needs to normalize when merging. The banks must explain / educate the bank customers about the merger. It will be a tedious process.
The idea of consolidation is fruitful when the poor performing small banks gets merged with the strong banks. Salary of the employees will be balanced. But there will be conflict in the officials in the case of who is superior. The recruitment will be gradually reduced.
Thus, all the banks do not have branches in all our country. By the merger, there will be more branches and the aim of financial inclusion will be achieved more.
you have good writing skills but you need to have little bit more knowledge about the topic. You need to explain more about advantages of merging