IMMSAREX-17 to start in Cox’s Bazar from Nov 27

IMMSAREX-17 to start in Cox’s Bazar from Nov 27
Bangladesh has arranged the international exercise to increase regional cooperation between IONS (Indian Ocean Naval Symposium )member states.
- Indian Ocean Naval Symposium Multilateral Maritime Search and Rescue Exercise- IMMSAREX
Started in:
- Bay of Bengal (for the first time)
Inaugurated by:
- Bangladesh President– Md Abdul Hamid
Hotel Royal Tulip, adjacent Inani Beach at Cox’s Bazar
He will also visit the fleet review by helicopter and later inaugurate the beach carnival.
Ships, naval chiefs, high ups and maritime experts from 32 countries, including 23 member countries and nine observers from the Indian Ocean Naval Symposium (IONS), will take part.
23 IONS members are:
Bangladesh | Morisash | South Africa |
France | Mozambic | Sri Lanka |
India | Myanmar | Tanzania |
Indonesia | Oman | Thailand |
Iran | Pakistan | Timur Leseth |
Kania | Saudi Arabia | United Arab Emirates |
Maldives | Singapore | United Kingdom |
The nine observer nations are:
China | Germany | Italy |
Japan | Madagascar | Malaysia |
Spain | Netherlands | Russia |
The exercise is scheduled to be held in the Bay of Bengal on November 28 and 29, where participating naval warships will conduct drills related to fire fighting, sea accidents and rescue, deep sea searches for missing ships, emergency rescue operations, and searches for missing aircraft.
The IONS was formed in 2008 to ensure maritime security and develop friendly relations between members, as well as to stop terrorism, smuggling and other criminal activity.
Bangladesh Navy was elected to hold the post of chairman of IONS from 2016-18, with Bangladesh Navy Chief of Naval Staff Admiral Nizamuddin Ahmed currently in the position.