Important Phrasal verbs Set – 4
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Important Phrasal verbs Set – 4
A phrasal verb is a combination of words (a verb + a Preposition or verb +adverb) that when used together, usually take on a different meaning to that of the original verb.
Phrasal Verbs :
1) Branch
Branch off – To leave a main road by turning onto a smaller road
Branch out – To start to do something different from what you usually do, especially in your job.
2) Brave
Brave out – To deal bravely with a difficult or unpleasant situation
3) Brazen
Brazen out – To act confidently and show no embarrassment for something bad that you have done.
4) Break
Break away – To leave or escape from someone who is holding you.
Break down – If a machine or vehicle breaks down.
Break for – To move quickly an suddenly towards something.
Break in – To get into a building or car by using force, usually in order to steal something
Break off – To stop doing something.
Break off with – To end a romantic relationship with someone.
Break out – To escape from Prison
Break through- To move through something that is intended to hold you back.
Break through – Important discovery or success that helps you achieve or deal wiht something.
Break With – To leave an organization or end a relation ship with someone, usually because you do not feel happy with it any more.
5) Breathe
Breathe in – To take air or a substance into your lungs through your nose or mouth.
Breathe out – To make the air or other substances in your lungs come out through your nose or mouth.
6) Breeze
Breeze in – To walk into a building or room quickly and confidently without seeming worried or nervous about anything.
Breeze into – To get an important and well paid job, quickly and easily.
Breeze through – To succeed in something very easily.
7) Brew
Brew up – To make a drink usually in a pot
8) Brick
Brick in/up – To fill a space with bricks.
9) Brighten
Brighten up – To make somewhere more attractive often by adding colours.
10) Brim
Brim over – If a container for liquid brims over, some of the liquid in it flows out be cause it is too full.
Brim over with – To feel or show a lot of good emotion or good quality.
Brim with – To be or to become very full of something