Important Phrasal Verbs Set – 7

Important Phrasal Verbs Set – 7
Phrasal verbs – Cut, Cry,Cross,Crop,Creep,Crash,Crack,Count,Cool,Conjure
1) Cut
Cut across- Go across a plane rather than around it to make the journey quicker.
Cut back – Reduce.
Cut back on – Reduce expenditure
Cut down – Consume less
Cut down on – Start functioning
Cut it out – Stop your unfair or unreasonable behaviour
Cut off – Disconnect
Cut out – Exclude
Cut out on – Let down, Snub
Cut up – Cut into smaller pieces
2) Cry
Cry off – To cancel an arrangement
Cry out – Shout because you are in pain
3) Cross
Cross off – Delete, Remove from a list
Cross out – Put as line through some writing to show it is wrong.
4) Crop
Crop up – Appear unexpectedly
5) Creep
Creep in – Start to be noticeable
Creep out – Become noticeable in something
Creep out on – To do the same activity for a very long time
Creep over – Start to have a negative feeling
Creep up on – Approach without someone realising
6) Crash
Crash out – Sleep at someone’s house because you are too tired,drunk etc to leave
Crank out – Produce a lot of something fact
Crank up – Inject non medical drugs
7) Crack
Crack up – Have a nervous breakdown
Crack on – Continue doing something with energy.
8) Count
Count in – Include or involve
Count on/upon – Depend,rely
Count out – Exclude
Count up – Add
9) Cool
Cool down – Get cooler
10) Conjure
Conjure up – Create a picture or memory in someone’s mind