An irrational fear or extreme fear of a particular thing or situation, especially one that cannot be reasonably explained, observed in a person is termed “PHOBIA” in English This word is derived from the Greek root “PHOBOS” which means “irrational fear ” A Phobia, in other words, is a type of anxiety disorder usually defined as a persistent fear of an object or situation the affected person will go to great lengths to avoid, typically disproportionate to the actual danger posed   Those words which end with this suffix are many in number and  an understanding of them will broaden the horizons of knowledge of  students  Would you like to have a shower of them?

Sl: No word Irrational fear of
01 Achluophobia Dark places
02 Acrophobia heights
03 Ailurophobia cats
04 Anemophobia Wind
05 Apiophobia Bees
06 Arachnophobia Spiders
07 Astrophobia Lightning
08 Ballistophobia Bullets of missiles
09 Basiphobia Walking
10 Bathophobia Depth
11 Batrachophobia Amphibians
12 Bibliophobia Books
13 Belonophobia Needles
14 Brotophobia Thunder
15 Bufonophobia Toads
16 Cheimophobia Cold
17 Chronophobia Time
18 Climacophobia Stairs
19 Cynophobia Dogs
20 Dermatophobia Skin
21 Dromophobia streets or crossing streets
22 Emetophobia Vomiting
23 Eragsiophobia Surgery
24 Enetophobia Pins
25 Gatophobia Cats
26 Gephrophobia Bridges
27 Gerontophobia old men
28 Gynophobia Marriage
29 Haemophobia Blood
30 harpaxophobia being robbed
31 Hellenologophobia Greek terms
32 Heliophobia Sunlight
33 Helminthophobia Worms
34 Hippo Phobia horses
35 Hippopotomonstroses-quippedaliophobia Long words
36 Homichlophobia Fog
37 Hodophobia Travel
38 Hypegiaphobia Responsibility
39 Hypnophobia Sleep
40 Hypsophobia Heights
41 Latrophobia Doctors
42 Ichthyophobia Fish
43 Kleptophobia Thieves
44 Logophobia Words
45 Lyssophobia Madness
46 Mastigophobia Punishment
47 Melissophobia Bees
48 Metathesiophobia Changes
49 Metrophobia Poetry
50 Mnemophobia Memories
51 Myrmecophobia Ants
52 Musophobia Mice
53 Necrophobia Death or dead bodies
54 Nelophobia Glass
55 Nomotophobia Names
56 Nosemaphobia Illness
57 Nosocomephobia Hospitals
58 Novercaphobia step-mothers
59 Nyctophobia Nights
60 Ochlophobia Crowd
61 Ombrophobia Rain
62 Onomotophobia A particular word
63 Ophidiophobia Snakes
64 Osmophobia Odours
65 Pantophobia Everything
66 Papyrophobia Paper
67 Pediculophobia Lice
68 Paladophobia Bald people
69 Phasmophobia Ghosts
70 Phobophobia Phobias
71 Poinophobia Punishments
72 Potamophobia Rivers
73 Ppagophobia Ice or frost
74 Pyrophobia Fire
75 Scelerophobia Burglars
76 Siderodromophobia Trains
77 Socerraphobia parents-in-law
78 Synophobia Togetherness
79 Thalassophobia Oceans
80 Triskaidekaphobia Number 13