Q.1) Attribute is equivalent to
(a) row (b) column
(c) field (d) file
(e) None of these
Q.2) RST 3 instruction will cause the process to branch to the location
(a) 0000 H (b) 0018 H
(c) 0024 H (d) 8018 H
(e) None of these
Q.3) Which of the following UNIX command is used to verify integrity of the file system?
(a) mount (b) dump
(c) dcheck (d) fsck
(e) None of these
Q.4) ACID propertied of transactions is
(a) atomocity (b) consistency
(c) isolation (d) all of the above
(e) None of these
Q.5) Packet transmission is related to
(a) application layer (b) data link layer
(c) network layer (d) transport layer
(e) None of these
Q.6) How many layer are there in OSI
(a) 5 (b) 3
(c) 7 (d) 9
(e) None of these
Q.7) The value for which you are searching is called the
(a) binary value (b) key
(c) search argument (d) serial value
(e) None of these
Q.8) Which part of the diskette should never be touched?
(a) Hub (b) mole in the centre
(c) oval slot (d) corner
(e) None of these
Q.9) Which operator has lowest priority
(a) + (b) *
(c) % (d) ,
(e) None of these
Q.10) The ABC bank has all cisco routers connected in the network. The network administrator Robert requires configuring the router of the detailing department to enable the traffic from all the hosts of the subnet for security purpose, what order of commands will he follow?
(a) permit traffic from subnet, deny traffic from host 190.20.15. 15
(b) permit traffic from subnet, permit traffic from host 190.20.15. 15
(c) Deny traffic from subnet, deny traffic from host 190.20.15. 15
(d) Deny traffic from host
(e) None of these
Q.11) In DOS
(a) 16 bit operating system
(b) it is software
(c) it has directory net capability
(d) all of the above
(e) None of these
Q.12) Most data communications involving telegraph lines use:
(a) simplex lines (b) wideband channel
(c) narrowband channel (d) dialled service
(e) None of these
Q.13) Which scheme are used for mapping host names and email destinations to IP address
(a) DNS (b) TCP/IP
(e) None of these
Q.14) Nyquist theorem to calculate maximum data rate is-
(a) 2H log2 V bits/sec (b) H log2 V bits/sec
(c) H log2 (1 + S/N) (d) 2H log2 (1 + S/N)
(e) None of these
Q.15) Which of the following statement is not true regarding twisted pair?
(a) it consists of two insulated copper wires, typically about 1 mm thick
(b) the purpose of twisting of the wires is to reduce electric interference from similar pairs
(c) high cost
(d) it can run several kilometres without amplification
(e) None of these
Q.16) A critical region:
(a) is a piece of code which only one process executes at a time
(b) is a region prone to deadlock
(c) is a piece of code which only a finite number of processes execute
(d) is found only in windows NT operation system
(e) None of these
Q.17) A mobile phone that, apart from making calls, has a camera, surfs the net, sends e-mails, play digital music has calendar and many more features is the smart-phone. These smart-phones used which of the following platforms?
(a) Symbian operation system (b) windows smart-phone
(c) both (a) and (b) (d) either (a) or (b)
(e) None of these
Q.18) What is the name given to the database management system which is able to handle full text data, image data, audio and video?
(a) full media (b) graphics media
(c) multimedia (d) hypertext
(e) None of these
Q.19) In JK flip-flop, same input i.e., at a particular time or during a clock pulse, the output will oscillate back and forth between 0 and 1. At the end of the clock pulse the value of output Q is uncertain. The situation is referred to as
(a) conversion condition (b) race around condition
(c) lock out state (d) all of the above
(e) None of these
Q.20) The function ftell ()
(a) reads a character from a file
(b) reads an integer from a file
(c) gives the current position in the file
(d) sets the position to the beginning of the file
(e) None of these
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