Puzzle Test – 2 for SBI PO Prelims Exam – Specially prepared by SBI PO FOCUS TEAM
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Puzzle Test – 2 for SBI PO Prelims Exam – Specially prepared by SBI PO FOCUS TEAM
D.1-5) A building has eight floors from 1 to 8 in such a way that ground floor is numbered 1, the above floor is numbered 2 and so on. The top most floor is numbered 8. Eight persons Gen, Pinky, Mano, Raj, Qwas, Adam, Dilcy and Chilcy are staying each on one of these floors. Adam is staying on floor 6. There is a gap of more than three persons between Dilcy and Raj. Chilcy is staying on the topmost floor. Neither Pinky nor Mano is staying on the floor 5. Only Qwas is staying middle of Pinky and Mano. Raj is staying on the floor 1. Mano is not an immediate neighbour of Gen.
1. Immediate neighbours of the person who is staying in floor 3?
a) Raj and Pinky
b) Adam and Pinky
c) Gen and Mano
d) Pinky and Mano
e) Dilcy and Gen
2. If all the persons are arranged in alphabetical order such as Adam occupies floor 1 then who will occupy floor 5?
a) Gen
b) Qwas
c) Raj
d) Mano
e) Pinky
3. Who is staying on the second floor?
a) Qwas
b) Mano
c) Pinky
d) Adam
e) Qwas or Mano
4. How many persons are staying between Dilcy and Pinky?
a) Three
b) Four
c) Two
d) One
e) None of these
5. Who is staying on the floor number 7?
a) Adam
b) Pinky
c) Dilcy
d) Raj
e) Mano
D.6-10) Seven friends Gokul, Gopi, Gokulnath, Gokulkrishnan, Gopinath, Govindhan and Govindharaj going for different classes, namely Physics, Chemistry, Biology, English, Zoology, Maths and Botany, but not necessarily in the same order, from date 11th  to 17th  .
Gopinath attends a class on 15th . Only two persons going for classes between Gopinath and the one who is learning English. Gokulnath going to class immediately before Gokulkrishnan. Neither Gokulnath nor Gokulkrishnan is learning English. Only one person attends a class between Gokulnath and the one who is learning Biology. The one who is learning Biology does not have a class on 11th .
Gopi attends a class immediately before the one who is learning Physics. Gopinath is not going for Physics. Only one person has a class between Gokulnath and Gokul.
Govindharaj is going to class for Maths at the 17th . Only two persons have classes between Govindharaj and the one who is learning Zoology. Gokul is not going for Botany.
6. Four of the following five form a group as per the given arrangement. Which of the following does not belong to that group?
a) 17th-Govindharaj
b) Gopinath-Biology
c) Gokulkrishnan-14th
d) 11th Chemistry
e) 16th-Gokul
7. Who among the following having classes immediately after Gopi ?
a) Govindhan
b) Gokulkrishnan
c) Gokulnath
d) Govindharaj
e) None of these
8. As per the given arrangement, Gokulkrishnan is related to 15th , Gokul is related to 12th , then Which of the following is related to Gokulnath?
a) 11th
b) 16th
c) 15th
d) 14th
e) None of these
9. On which date of the week, Govindhan has class?
a) 14th
b) 17th
c) 12th
d) 16th
e) None of these
10. Which of the following subject is learning by Gokul?
a) Biology
b) English
c) Botany
d) Chemistry
e) None of these