Questions asked in SBI PO Prelims 2016 : Slot 1 

Dear Aspirant,

SBI PO Prelims 2017 is approaching shortly. If you know the pattern of the questions asked in previous yesr, it will be much useful. So we are providing review of Slot 1 for SBI PO Prelims 2016.

Aptitude Section

Directions (1-5): What should come in place of the question mark (?) in the following number series?

1. 7     5    7        17        63       ?

a) 308

b) 302

c) 309

d) 409

e) 390

2. 50     ?      61      89      154       280

a) 52

b) 51

c) 60

d) 62

e) 60

3. 17    19     25      37      ?       87

a) 47

b) 37

c) 57

d) 67

e) 75

4. 11     14      19       28      43       ?

a) 55

b) 44

c) 77

d) 88

e) 66

5. 26     144       590      1164      ?

a) 1296

b) 1182

c) 2059

d) 1182

e) 1181


1.c) 309


7 x 1 – 2 = 5

5 x 2 – 3 = 7

7 x 3 – 4 = 17

17 x 4 – 5 = 63

63 x 5 – 6 = 309

2.a) 52


50..50+(1^3+1) = 52




154 + (5^3+1) = 280

3. c) 57


17 + 1 x 2 = 19

19 + 2 x 3 = 25

25 + 3 x 4 = 37

37 + 4 x 5 = 57

57 + 5 x 6 = 87

4. e) 66




Answer 43+23= 66

5. b) 1182


26 x 6 – 12 = 144

144 x 4 + 14 = 590

590 x 2 – 16 = 1164

1164 x 1 + 18 = 1182

Three persons A, B, C. A is 4 years younger than B. B is 12 years younger than C. 4 years hence the ratio between C&A is 9:5, Find the age of B.

Answer: 20 years

Ratio of height of cylinders 3:5, ratio of their volume is 27:80. What will be the ration of their radius? Answer: 3:4

A Vassal contain some litters of pure milk. If 25 litter of water added to the vessel, ratio becomes milk to water 12:5, 17 litters of mixture is drawn from the vessel & 10 litters of water is added. Find the new ratio between milk & water. Answer: 8:5

Ratio between height of 2 cylinder in the ratio 3:5. Their volumes are in the ratio 27:80. Find ratio between their radius.

Answer: 3:4

Sum of money is invested in Scheme A, 15% per annum, After 2 years amount is received, that amount invested in scheme B at 20% per annum for compound interest. If the interest received at the end of 2 years is 1430. Find the sum. (Answer: 2500)

6 consecutive odd numbers and average difference between average of squares of last three no. & Product of 1st 2 number .Find the (1st) or (last)6Γ—2-11x+4=0 30 y2 -23y+3=0 (Ans: Cant be determined)

Two people invested in the ratio of 4:6. After 6 months, the 2nd person withdraws his amount. At the same time, a third person invested twice as much as the second person had initially invested. At the end of the year, the total profit is 33150. Find the share of the third person.

6x2-11x+4=0; 30y2 -23y+3=0

7x2+10x+3=0; 2y2+11y+14=0

A box contains 10 red balls, 6 green balls. If 2 balls are drawn randomly, what is the probability of getting non-green balls?

B is 20% more efficient than A. B started the work & did it for β€˜x’ days. After β€˜x’ days, B is replaced with A. A completed the remaining work in x+8 days. The ratio of work done by A & B is 2:3. In how many days can A & B working together complete the whole work?

Reasoning Section

Linear Seating Arrangement
Eight persons – H, I, J, K, L, M, N and O – are standing in a straight line at equidistant points. Some of them are facing north while others are facing south. M is standing third to the right to H. M is standing at one of the extreme ends. L is standing third to the left of H. The immediate neighbours of J face north. N is not an immediate neighbour of H. The persons standing at the extreme ends face the same direction (both are facing either North or South). The immediate neighbours of H face just opposite direction as that of M. The immediate neighbours of O face opposite direction with respect to each other. One of the immediate neighbour of L is K who is facing north. I is standing between J and M. Not more than four persons are facing north.

Puzzle (Ordering & Ranking – Increasing & Decreasing Order)
S taller than both T & Q, but shorter than R. R is not the tallest. T is not the shortest. Q is taller than both U & T. Second highest person is 32 cm while T is 13 cm.

Puzzle (Ordering & Ranking – Stacks)
7 boxes of 7 colours are stacked one above the other.

Puzzle (Scheduling based on Calendar)
Some months have 30 days while others have 31 days.

Puzzle (Double Line Up)
7 people in 3 different departments like different colours

Mathematical Inequalities
Direct Inequalities were asked, not coded

English Section

Reading Comprehension (Social Issue based) : Women empowerment – in OECD nations – Women CEOs
Cloze Test (Social Issue Based) : Use of Technology in the Modern World

Para jumble (Finance Based): Bike Insurance – Policy Holders

Error Spotting (Grammar Based)

Fill in the Blanks (Double Blanks)


 How to approach Reasoning Section for SBI Prelims 

How to approach Aptitude Section for SBI Prelims

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