SBI CLERK Prelims 2021 – Memory Based Question Paper FREE PDF Download
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SBI CLERK Prelims 2021 – Memory Based Question Paper FREE PDF Download
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SBI CLERK Prelims Exam 2021 – Memory Based Question PDF is the most expected one as the students who have the SBI CLERK Prelims Exam 2021 in the upcoming days will be eagerly waiting to solve the Questions asked in the SBI CLERK Prelims Exam 2021 as this will help them to have an upper hand in the SBI CLERK Prelims Exam 2021.
The SBI CLERK Prelims Exam 2021 was started on 10th July, 2021, and will continue through 11th, 12th, and 13th July, 2021.
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SBI CLERK Prelims Exam 2021 – Slot 1 Review & Analysis
SBI CLERK Prelims Exam 2021 – Slot 1, 2, 3 & 4 – Day 1 – july 10, 2021
1–8) Read the passage carefully and answer the given questions.
The World Economic Forum predicts that by 2023 there will be a staggering 9.1 billion mobile subscriptions. According to telecom-focused technology company Cisco Systems, by 2020, connected mobile devices will produce 30.6 exabytes per month and annual global mobile data traffic will reach 366.8exabytes (one exabyte is one quintillion bytes). 5G is designed to meet this demand. It not only represents a generational leap in connectivity speeds, the new network standard will also introduce lower latency (for improved response) and the ability to connect more devices at once.
So, after much 5G hype and excitement, we are finally seeing progress — proof of concepts, field trials, buildouts and early deployments, and 5G is on the cusp of becoming a reality. The question is, what will it deliver?
With traditional telecom revenues in decline, connectivity fast becoming a commodity and customer-trust diminishing, much of the focus (and hope) is on delivering new revenues for mobile network operators. Despite the many recognized advantages of 5G, mobile network operators are still looking for concrete evidence of return on investment (RoI). The investment isn’t a small one. In fact, it will likely amount to a collective investment of billions of dollars in new network equipment, licences and deployment. So what difference will 5G actually make?
Avoiding the obvious temptation to simply say “Internet of Things” (IoT), here are five 5G-powered use cases — Industry 4.0, mixed reality (MR) applications, which is augmented reality (AR) plus virtual reality (VR), sports and entertainment, fixed wireless access, and autonomous vehicles — that mobile network operators must prepare for.
Like many others, the manufacturing industry is going through a digital revolution. Within the context of Industry 4.0, manufacturers are becoming more efficient through the application of automation and data exchange to their existing factory processes to enable better integrated workflows and smarter manufacturing. Industrial IoT technologies are streamlining and simplifying many manufacturing processes in revolutionary ways. For instance, production robots now have sensors or software that send information to remote teams; some apps can gather real-time feedback and send alerts on defects or damaged goods; and other apps can help track working schedules of factory workers. 5G plays a vital role in this transformative process, especially as the use of AR and VR applications continues to grow in manufacturing to support the realization of manufacturers’ Industry 4.0 goals.
This is followed by MR applications that are likely to be a key driver for 5G. Beyond the consumer market (think Pokémon Go), interesting applications are also likely to be found in industrial and medical contexts. Remote medical procedures, engineering, public safety and field-service applications are all strong use case opportunities for the application of low latency 5G services.
5G will also deliver a significantly enhanced experience for audiences at sporting and entertainment events. A combination of VR and AR with ultra high-fidelity enabled by 5G could transform the way fans interact in these events. Motorsports is ideal for VR in particular: equipped with their mobile device or headset, fans could be served information like lap or technical information about cars as they race on the track in a sport like Formula One. The opportunity lies in more than just providing connectivity. Mobile network operators can create partnerships with broadcasters and sports organizations to deliver entertainment services directly to customers through their self-service applications.
Which is/are be the probable key driver(s) for 5G as per the passage?
a) Virtual Reality applications
b) Entertainment applications
c) Mixed Reality applications
d) Augmented Reality applications
e) All of the above
Ans: c
It is mentioned in the passage, “This is followed by MR applications that are likely to be a key driver for 5G. Beyond the consumer market (think Pokémon Go), interesting applications are also likely to be found in industrial and medical contexts.”
Choose the antonym of ‘diminishing’.
a) Declining
b) Impacting
c) Growing
d) Reducing
e) Sharpening
Ans: c
Diminishing – to reduce or be reduced in size or importanc
Which of the following is true about digital revolution in manufacturing industry as per the passage?
They use automation and data exchange for better workflow.
There is a big role for IoT in simplifying the manufacturing processes.
III. 5G gives enhanced experience at sporting and entertainment events.
a) Only I
b) Only II
c) Only III
d) Both I and II
e) Both II and III
Ans: d
It is mentioned in the passage:
Statement I: “Automation and data exchange to their existing factory processes to enable better integrated workflows and smarter manufacturing.”
Statement II: “Industrial IoT technologies are streamlining and simplifying many manufacturing processes in revolutionary ways.
Statement III: “5G will also deliver a significantly enhanced experience for audiences at sporting and entertainment events”. It is irrelevant as it talks about sporting and entertainment events.
Apart from improving connectivity speed, what are the other factors that 5G provides?
a) Improved response
b) Increased bandwidth
c) Connecting more devices at once
d) Both a and b
e) Both a and c
Ans: e
It is mentioned in the passage, “It not only represents a generational leap in connectivity speeds, the new network standard will also introduce lower latency (for improved response) and the ability to connect more devices at once.”
Choose a suitable title for the passage from the given options.
a) Impact of 5G in future
b) 5G vs Industry 4.0
c) The jump from 4G
d) 5G – the significant need
e) Changing world
Ans: a
Option (a) is the suitable title for the given passage as it talks about the increasing demand for connectivity and its wide range applications that impacts the future.
When it comes to investment in 5G, what do mobile network operators look for?
a) Millions of users to make profit
b) Funds from their sources
c) Investment in infrastructure for production
d) Evidence on the return on investment
e) Not mentioned in the passage
Ans: d
It is mentioned in the passage, “Despite the many recognized advantages of 5G, mobile network operators are still looking for concrete evidence of return on investment (RoI).”
What is the demand that 5G is designed to meet?
a) Global mobile data traffic
b) Mobile subscriptions
c) Hardware
d) Communication
e) None of the above
Ans: a
It is mentioned in the passage, “According to telecom-focused technology company Cisco Systems, by 2020, connected mobile devices will produce 30.6 exabytes per month and annual global mobile data traffic will reach 366.8exabytes (one exabyte is one quintillion bytes). 5G is designed to meet this basic demand.”
Which of the following use cases of 5G is/are not mentioned in the passage?
Sports and entertainment
III. Public safety
Space research
Medical procedures
a) Only I, II and IV
b) Only I, III and V
c) Only I, II and III
d) Only II, III and IV
e) All of the above use cases are mentioned
Ans: b
It is given in the passage as:
“Remote medical procedures, engineering, public safety and field-service applications are all strong use case opportunities for the application of low latency 5G services.”
“Sports and entertainment, fixed wireless access, and autonomous vehicles”.
Only I, III and V are mentioned in the passage. Other two such as space research and agriculture are not mentioned in the passage.
Only I, III and V are mentioned in the passage. Other two such as space research and agriculture are not mentioned in the passage.
9−13) Each sentence is divided into four parts. Rearrange them to make a meaningful sentence. If no rearrangement is required, then choose option (e) as the answer.
As tech companies become (A) / a key part of the (B) / looking more like giant computers on wheels (C) /auto industry, cars are (D)
e) No interchange required
Ans: a
Hint: In D, after ‘are’ a verb in continuous form follows it.
Correct sentence: As tech companies become a key part of the auto industry, cars are looking more like giant computers on wheels.
Its Internet Explorer browser, adding to (A) / the digital scrap heap a product once (B) / Microsoft Corp is planning to largely retire (C) / at the center of one of the tech industry’s biggest battles (D)
e) No interchange required
Ans: d
Hint: The phrasal verb ‘adding to’ should be followed by a noun (here, ‘the digital scrap’).
Correct sentence: Microsoft Corp is planning to largely retire its Internet Explorer browser, adding to the digital scrap heap a product once at the center of one of the tech industry’s biggest battles.
Efficient at home and work, has raised complex questions about the growing (A) / the technology, which handles tasks once (B) / the exclusive domain of humans, making life more (C) / influence of computer algorithms in a wide range of public and private life (D)
e) No interchange required
Ans: a
Hint: Here, ‘growing’ in A is an adjective that should be followed by a suitable noun ‘influence’.
Correct sentence: The technology, which handles tasks once the exclusive domain of humans, making life more efficient at home and work, has raised complex questions about the growing influence of computer algorithms in a wide range of public and private life.
Were the logistical hurdles of evacuating people (A) / shifted to safer areas, there (B) / while keeping them safe from fresh infections (C) / covid patients in hospitals along the cyclone’s path had to be. (D)
e) No rearrangement required
Ans: c
Hint: ‘Had to be’ will be followed by a verb of participle form (shifted).
The sentence is, “Covid patients in hospitals along the cyclone’s path had to be shifted to safer areas, there were the logistical hurdles of evacuating people while keeping them safe from fresh infections.”
And the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, its first pit-stop in (A) / precursor to its entry over mainland India (B) / the onset of monsoon over the Southeast Bay (C) / Indian waters, is around the normal time and is a. (D)
e) No rearrangement required
Ans: b
Hint: The article ‘a’ in D will be followed by a singular noun (precursor).
The sentence is, “The onset of monsoon over the Southeast Bay and the Andaman & Nicobar Islands, its first pit-stop in Indian waters, is around the normal time and is a precursor to its entry over mainland India.”
14−15) Find the word which is misspelt or contextually incorrect among the bolded words. If all the words are correct, choose option (e) as your answer.
As human beings, we often harbour judgments about ourselves deep down, which exist as self-doubt about our worth, compitence, or appearance.
a) harbour
b) judgments
c) appearance
d) compitence
e) All are correct
Ans: d
The correct spelling is competence.
Competence – the ability to do something well
The only way to overcome this defensivness is to work on becoming more self-validating.
a) defensivness
b) overcome
c) becoming
d) validating
e) All are correct
Ans: a
The correct spelling is defensiveness.
Defensiveness – speech or behaviour in which someone is very eager to avoid being criticized
16−20) A sentence is divided into four parts. One of the parts may have an error. Identify the part that has the error and choose from the given options. If there is no error in the given sentence, then choose option (e) as the answer.
16. Innovations like using solar energy (A) / to heat salt and use that (B) / trapped heat to boil water (C) / but generate steam must be explored. (D) / No Error (E)
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) No Error
Ans: d
Replace ‘but’ in D with ‘and’.
‘And’ is a conjunction used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences that are to be taken jointly.
‘But’ is a conjunction used to introduce something contrasting with what has already been mentioned.
17. Thinking about all the things that (A) / you wish never happened to you is (B) / actually preventing all the things you want (C) / to happen from entering into your life. (D) / No Error (E)
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) No Error
Ans: e
No error in the given statement.
18. Confusion is always giving rise to clarity (A) / over time and a moment does come when (B) / all the new learning becomes wonderfully (C) / integrated within your understanding. (D) / No Error (E)
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) No Error
Ans: a
Replace ‘is always giving’ in A with ‘always gives’ as a regular or habitual action will be conveyed in simple present tense.
19. Life is a growth school, ideally (A) / created to give us opportunities to learn each of (B) / the lesson we need to learn over the (C) / course of our lives on the planet. (D) / No Error (E)
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) No Error
Ans: c
Replace ‘lesson’ with ‘lessons’, as ‘each of’ will be followed by plural noun. The phrases “one of… / each of… / any of…” will be followed by the plural.
20. Every person, to live truly and (A) / greatly, must define how he (B) / wants to live and what (C) / his biggest life will looking like. (D) / No Error (E)
a) A
b) B
c) C
d) D
e) No Error
Ans: d
Replace ‘looking’ with ‘look’, as ‘will’ is followed by a verb in its base form.
21–25) Read the passage carefully and fill the blanks with appropriate words from the given options.
As infants, we really are perfect. We are still connected to the force that created the world. But as we begin to age, we __ (21) __ fears from the world around us. We want our parents to love and __ (22) __ us. So, we model them and take on their fears, limiting beliefs and false assumptions so we can be more like them. It’s all done because we __(23)__ love. Who you are in this moment is not who you truly are. Rather, it’s someone you’ve become as a result of being in this world. To clear all those fears that you have assumed from the world around you, you will need to go back and __(24)__ the source of all your fears. Then you’ll have to work through them until they are no longer part of your__(25)__.
a) evolve
b) manifest
c) practice
d) involve
e) adopt
Ans: e
Adopt – take on or assume (an attitude or position)
Manifest – show (a quality or feeling) by one’s acts or appearance
a) scare
b) threaten
c) smash
d) adore
e) frighten
Ans: d
Adore – love and respect (someone) deeply
Frighten – make (someone) afraid or anxious
Threaten – cause (someone or something) to be vulnerable or at risk; endanger
Smash – violently break (something) into pieces
Scare – cause great fear or nervousness in; frighten
a) crave
b) create
c) manipulate
d) design
e) exaggerate
Ans: a
Crave – feel a powerful desire for (something)
Manipulate – control or influence (a person or situation) cleverly or unscrupulously
Exaggerate – represent (something) as being larger, better, or worse than it really is
a) travel
b) practice
c) explore
d) repeat
e) assume
Ans: c
Explore – to search and discover (about something)
Assume – take or begin to have (power or responsibility)
a) possession
b) mental
c) physique
d) realm
e) psyche
Ans: e
Psyche – the human soul, mind, or spirit
Physique – the form, size, and development of a person’s body
Possession – something that is owned or possessedss
Realm – a kingdom
26−28) In a sentence four words are given in bold. They may or may not be appropriate contextually. Interchange those words in order to make the sentence meaningful. If no interchange is required, choose option ‘e’ as the answer.
26. The messaging platform WhatsApp has consistently (A) refused to tracing (B) with the government’s demand, saying that comply (C) the origin of fake/unlawful messages for over two years will undermine (D) the privacy of WhatsApp users.
a) A-C
b) B-D
c) A-D
d) B-C
e) No interchange required
Ans: d
‘Comply’ and ‘tracing’ should be interchanged.
The correct sentence is, “The messaging platform WhatsApp has consistently refused to comply with the government’s demand, saying that tracing the origin of fake/unlawful messages for over two years will undermine the privacy of WhatsApp users.”
27. Internet restrictions (A) refer to intentional disruptions (B) on connectivity (C) that limit people’s ability to access (D) the internet or specific websites and apps.
a) A-B
b) A-C
c) C-D
d) Both a and c
e) No interchange required
Ans: a
‘Restrictions’ and ‘disruptions’ should be interchanged.
The correct sentence is, “Internet disruptions refer to intentional restrictions on connectivity that limit people’s ability to access the internet or specific websites and apps.”
28. While more research is needed to measure the emissions coming (A) from permafrost, the researchers thawing (B) that fires along with abrupt estimate (C) events could increase carbon emissions unless the fossil fuel emission are drastically (D) reduced.
a) A-B
b) B-D
c) B-C
d) C-D
e) No interchange required
Ans: c
‘Thawing’ and ‘estimate’ should be interchanged.
The correct sentence is, “While more research is needed to measure the emissions coming from permafrost, the researchers estimate that fires along with abrupt thawing events could increase carbon emissions unless the fossil fuel emission are drastically reduced.”
29–30) In questions given below, a part of the sentence is italicised and underlined. Below are given alternatives to the italicised part which may improve the sentence. Choose the correct alternative. In case no improvement is needed, choose option ‘e’ as the answer.
29. As automakers’ investments in electric vehicles (EVs) ramp up, pickup trucks is fast become a new front in the electrification wars.
a) are fast becoming
b) becoming fast
c) fast became
d) would become fast
e) No improvement needed
Ans: a
We use ‘as’ as a conjunction when one event happens while another is in progress (‘during the time that’). Here, the progressive action is ‘pickup trucks are fast becoming a new front’.
30. Facebook founder and CEO Mark Zuckerberg is telling everyone whom will listened that it is time to regulate the internet.
a) for listening
b) whom listens
c) to listen to him
d) who will listen
e) No improvement needed
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