Seating Arrangement For SBI PO Set – 42

Seating Arrangement For SBI PO Set – 42
( 1 – 5) Study the following information and answer the question:
Seven friends namely Jensen Ackles, Charlene Choi, Jason Marsden, Senjen Ackles, Cherie Chung, Chuge Liang and Chang Chen perform different Shakespearean plays namely, Cymbeline, Coriolanus, Timon of Athens, Titus Andronious, Tempest, Troilus and Cressida and Pericles but not necessarily in the same order. Each friend has an audition on different dates of the same month i.efifth, ninth, eleventh, seventeenth, twentieth, twenty fourth and twenty seventh but not necessarily in the same order. Chuge Liang has an audition on seventeenth and performs neither Tempest nor Titus Andronious. The one who performs Cymbeline has an audition on the fifth. Jason Marsden performs Timon of Athens and neither has an audition on the ninth nor on the twenty fourth. Cherie Chung has an audition on the twentieth and does not perform Titus Andronious. The one who has an audition on the ninth performs neither Tempest nor Titus Andronious. The one who performs Pericles has an audition on eleventh. Jensen Ackles
has an audition neither on fifth nor on twenty seventh and does not perform Pericles or Titus Andronious. The one who has an audition on ninth does not perform Troilus and Cressida. Chang Chen does not perform Cymbeline and does not have an audition on twenty fourth. Charlene Choi does not perform Cymbeline.
1) Which among the following play is performed by Chuge Liang?
a) Coriolanus
b) Troilus and Cressida
c) Tempest
d) Titus Andronious
e) None of these.
2) Which of the following person plays Titus Andronious?
a) The person who performed on ninth.
b) The person who performed on twenty fourth.
c) The person who performed on twenty seventh.
d) The person who performed on fifth.
e) The person who performed on twentieth.
3) Which of the following combination is definitely correct?
a) Chuge Liang Coriolanus
b) Charlene Choi Pericles
c) Chang Chen Titus Andronious
d) SenjenAckles Cymbeline
e) All the given combination are definitely correct
4) Four of the following five form a group as per the given arrangement. Which of thefollowing does not belong to that group?
a) SenjenAckles fifth
b) Cherie Chung twentieth
c) Charlene Choi Twenty fourth
d) Chuge Liang Seventeenth
e) Jason Marsden Eleventh
5) On which of the following day does Jensen Ackles perform?
a) The day on which Titus Andronious is being performed.
b) The day on which Cymbeline is being performed.
c) The day on which Troilus and Cressida is being performed.
d) The day on which Coriolanus is being performed.
e) None of these.
1 | b |
2 | b |
3 | d |
4 | e |
5 | d |
6 – 10) Study the following information to answer the given questions.
Eight people A, B, C, D, E, F, G and H are sitting in a straight line. Some of them are facing north while some of them are facing south, but not necessarily in the same order. B sits third to the left of A. Only one person sits between B and F. G does not sit at any of the extremes ends of the line. D faces the same direction as E. Only two people sit to the right of A. Both the immediate neighbors of B face the same direction. F sits to the immediate right of E. Only one person sits between E and H. C sits third to the left of F.B faces the opposite direction as A.A faces north. Both G and C face the opposite direction of H.
6) Who is sitting 2nd to the right of B?
a) H
b) D
c) F
d) E
e) None of these
7) How many persons in the given arrangement are facing North?
a) More than four
b) Four
c) One
d) Three
e) Two
8) Who amongst the following sits exactly between H and E?
a) B
b) G
c) F
d) E
e) C
9) What is the position of F with respect to H?
a) Second to the left
b) Third to the right
c) Third to the left
d) Fifth to the right
e) Second to the right
10) Four of the following five are alike in a certain way, and so form a group. Which of the following does not belong to the group?
a) E, F
b) H, G
c) B, A
d) B, G
e) D, C
6 | b |
7 | b |
8 | a |
9 | b |
10 | d |