SSC CHSL Recruitment 2018 – LDC, JSA, Postal Assistant, DEO
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SSC CHSL Recruitment 2018 – LDC, JSA, Postal Assistant, DEO
Dear Bankersdaily Aspirants,
Staff Selection Commission (SSC) released the Official Notification for the Combined Higher Secondary (CHSL) 2018 Recruitment for the post of DEO, LDC, etc in Central Government Ministries and Departments.
Interested and eligible candidates who were waiting for the SSC CHSL Notification 2018 can apply online for SSC CHSL Exam 2018-19 from 5th March to 5th April 2019.
SSC CHSL 2018 – Important Date
- Dates for submission of online applications: 05.03.2019 to 05.04.2019
- Last date for receipt of application: 05.04.2019 (up to 5.00 P.M.)
- Last date for making online fee payment: 07.04.2019 (5.00 PM)
- Last date for generation of offline Challan: 07.04.2019 (5.00 PM)
- Last date for payment through Challan (during working hours of Bank): 09.04.2019
- Date of Computer Based Examination (Tier-I): 01-07-2019 to 26-07-2019
SSC CHSL 2018 – Post & Vacancy Details
Name of the Posts: Lower Divisional Clerk / Junior Secretariat Assistant, Postal Assistant/ Sorting Assistant and Data Entry Operators
Pay Scale
Name of the Posts | Pay Band | Grade Pay |
Lower Division Clerk (LDC) / Junior Secretariat Assistant (JSA) | Pay Band -1 (Rs. 5200-20200) | Rs. 1900 (pre-revised). |
Postal Assistant (PA) / Sorting Assistant (SA) | Pay Band -1 (Rs. 5200-20200) | Rs. 2400 (pre-revised). |
Data Entry Operator (DEO) | Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200-20200) | Rs. 2400 (pre-revised). |
Data Entry Operator – Grade A | Pay Band-1 (Rs. 5200-20200) | Rs. 2400 (pre-revised). |
Number of Vacancies
Vacancies will be determined in due course. Updated vacancy position will be uploaded on the website of the Commission from time to time. Check
SSC CHSL 2018 – Eligibility Criteria
Age Limit – SSC CHSL 2018
Age limit for the posts is 18-27 years as on 01-08-2019
i.e. Candidates born not before 02-08-1992 and not later than 01-08-2001
Permissible relaxation in Upper age limit for different categories are as under:
SC/ST | 5 years |
OBC | 3 years |
PH | 10 years |
PH + OBC | 13 years |
PH + SC/ST | 15 years |
Please refer Official notification for Ex-servicemen & Widow related relaxation details.
Educational Qualification – SSC CHSL 2018
For LDC/ JSA, PA/ SA, DEO (except DEOs in C & AG):
The candidates must have passed 12th Standard or equivalent examination from a recognized Board or University.
For Data Entry Operator (DEO) in the Office of Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C & AG): 12th Standard pass in Science stream with Mathematics as a subject from a recognized Board or equivalent.
As per UGC (Open and Distance Learning) Regulations, 2017 published in Official Gazette on 23-06-2017, under Part-I (2)(p), the programmes in engineering are not permitted to be offered under Open and Distance Learning mode.
Candidates who have not yet acquired but will acquire the educational qualification and produce documentary evidence from the Board/ University in support thereof as on 01-08-2019 will also be eligible.
All candidates who are declared qualified by the Commission for Document Verification will be required to produce the relevant Certificates such as Mark sheets, Provisional Certificates etc. for completion of Intermediate/ Higher Secondary/ 10+2/ Senior Secondary in original as proof of having acquired the minimum educational qualification on or before 01-08-2019, failing which the candidature of such candidates will be canceled by the Commission. The candidates who are able to prove, by documentary evidence, that the result of the qualifying examination was declared on or before the cut-off date i.e. 01-08-2019 and he/ she has been declared passed, will also be considered to meet the educational qualification.
In case of the candidates possessing equivalent educational qualification, such candidates shall also produce relevant Equivalence Certificate from the concerned authorities at the time of Document Verification. However, the final decision regarding the selection of such candidates will be taken by the concerned User Departments.
SSC CHSL 2018 – Selection Process
Candidates will be selected through the Online Computer Based Test. The examination will consist of a Computer Based Examination (Tier-I), Descriptive Paper (Tier-II) and Typing Test/ Skill Test (Tier-III).
Candidates will be shortlisted for Tier-III Examination the basis of their performance in (Tier-I + Tier-II) subject to having a minimum score of 33% in Tier-II.
Tier-III Examination i.e. Skill Test will be of a qualifying type. The candidates who qualify Tier-III will be called for Document Verification.
Note: The Commission reserves the right to introduce additional stage of examination which would be notified at a suitable time if considered necessary.
SSC CHSL 2018 – Tier-I – Prelims Exam Pattern
The Tier-I Examination will consist of Objective Type, Multiple choice questions only. The questions will be set both in English & Hindi for Part-II, III & IV.
There will be negative marking of 0.50 marks for each wrong answer.
SSC CHSL 2018 – Tier-I Prelims Exam Date: 01-07-2019 to 26-07-2019
Part | Subject | Qns / Marks | Duration |
I | English Language (Basic Knowledge) | 25 / 50 | 60 Minutes
(80 Mins for PwD Candidates) |
II | General Intelligence | 25 / 50 | |
III | Quantitative Aptitude (Basic Arithmetic Skill) | 25 / 50 | |
IV | General Awareness | 25 / 50 |
SSC CHSL 2018 – Tier-II – Descriptive Exam Pattern
Tier-II Paper will be a descriptive Paper of 100 Marks in Pen and Paper Mode.
Duration of Tier-II Examination: 60 Minutes (80 Mins for PwD candidates).
The Paper would comprise writing of an Essay of 200-250 words and a Letter/ Application of approximately 150-200 words.
The minimum qualifying marks in Tier-II would be 33 percent.
The performance in Tier II would be included for preparing merit.
The paper will have to be written either in Hindi or in English. The part paper written in Hindi and Part in English will be awarded zero marks.
Candidate must write his/ her correct Roll Number and affix signature and Left-hand Thumb Impression in the relevant columns in the Question Paper-cum-Answer Book failing which zero marks will be awarded.
Candidates are strictly advised not to write any personal identity e.g. name, Roll Number, Mobile Number, Address, etc inside the Answer Book. The candidates who fail to adhere to these instructions will be awarded zero marks.
SSC CHSL 2018 – Tier-III –Skill Test / Typing Test Pattern:
Skill Test/ Typing Test for the qualified candidates will be conducted on computers provided by the Commission or its authorized agency.
Skill Test/ Typing Test will be conducted in the cities where Regional Offices of the Commission are located or as decided by the Commission.
Skill Test/ Typing Test will be of qualifying nature.
Skill Test/ Typing Test will be conducted as per the following scheme:
Skill Test for Data Entry Operator
Skill Test is mandatory for Data Entry Operators.
Data Entry Speed of 8,000 (eight thousand) Key Depressions per hour on Computer. The Speed of 8000 key depressions per hour on the computer will be adjudged based on the correct entry of words/ key depressions as per the given passage.
The duration of the Test will be 15 (Fifteen) minutes and printed matter in English containing about 2000-2200 key-depressions would be given to each candidate who would enter the same in the Computer.
For the post of Data Entry Operator in the Office of the Comptroller and Auditor General of India (C&AG):
The ‘peed of 15000 key depressions per hour on Computer will be adjudged on the basis of the correct entry of words/ key depressions as per the given passage.
The duration of the Test will be 15 (Fifteen) minutes and printed matter in English containing about 3700-4000 key-depressions would be given to each candidate who would enter the same in the Computer.
Candidates eligible for a scribe as per paras 8.1 and 8.2 will be given the compensatory time of 5 minutes. Therefore, the duration of Skill Test for such candidates will be 20 minutes.
Typing Test for LDC / JSA and Postal Assistant / Sorting Assistant:
The medium of Typing Test will be Hindi and English. The candidates will have to opt for the medium of Typing Test (i.e. either Hindi or English) in the online Application Form.
The choice of Typing Test given by the candidate in the online Application Form shall be treated as final and no change in the medium of Typing Test will be entertained later.
Candidates opting for English medium should have a typing speed of 35 words per minute (w.p.m.) and those opting for Hindi medium should have a typing speed of 30 words per minute (w.p.m.). 35 w.p.m. and 30 w.p.m. correspond to about 10500 key depressions per hour and about 9000 key depressions per hour respectively.
The speed will be adjudged on the accuracy of typing on the Computer of a given text passage in 10 minutes.
Candidates eligible for a scribe as per paras 8.1 and 8.2 will be given the compensatory time of 5 minutes. Therefore, the duration of Typing Test for such candidates will be 15 minutes.
Passage Dictators will be provided to those VH candidates for the Typing test who have opted for Scribe in the online Application Form. The Passage Dictator will read out the passage to VH candidate within the allotted time period.
Persons with Disabilities candidates – can read the official notification for Skill Test related details.
SSC CHSL 2018 – Application Fee
Fee payable: Rs 100/- (Rs one hundred only).
The fee can be paid online through BHIM UPI, Net Banking, by using Visa, Mastercard, Maestro, RuPay Credit or Debit cards or in SBI Branches by generating SBI Challan.
NO FEE – for Women candidates and candidates belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC), Scheduled Tribes (ST), Persons with Disabilities (PwD) and Ex-servicemen (ESM) Candidates
- The Last date to Pay the Fee (Online Mode) 07-04-2019 (5.00 PM).
- The Last date to Pay the Fee (Offline Mode) 09-04-2019 (5.00 PM).
Note: For Offline Payment, challan has to be generated before 07-04-2019 (5.00 PM).
Aspirants can check the official notification of the SSC CHSL 2018 from the official website of SSC or from the link that is provided below.
SSC CHSL Recruitment 2018 – Official Notification PDF
SSC CHSL Recruitment 2018 – APPLY ONLINE
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