Reasoning : Coding and Decoding New Pattern  

In a certain code language,

fortune favors the bold’  is coded as ‘d16f h49g v09g h36u’

No man stand island’ is coded as ‘o09p p04q k36f u25f’

Keep your friends close’ is coded as ‘e25g m16r h49u a16t’

Watched pot never boils’ is coded as ‘d25u r09v p25t y49f’

1. In given code language, what does the code “r64a g49a u25u” stands for?

a) letter coding shared

b) equal share property

c) profit sharing things

d) sales property equally

e) equally things divided

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d) sales property equally Pattern:

Number: (Number of letter count)2

1st letter: 1st letter +2


2. what is the code for “island”?

a) p36j

b) m25l

c) k36f

d) o16f

e) f36g

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c) k36f Pattern:

Number: (Number of letter count)2

1st letter: 1st letter +2


3. which of the following code for “spite your enough way”?

a) u25l r16j m36y u09a

b) t16a y09b m36y r25s

c) g16j u36g a09t g25u

d) a16t g36j u25g y09a

e) None of these

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d) a16t g36j u25g y09a Pattern:

Number: (Number of letter count)2

1st letter: 1st letter +2


4. Which of the following code for “fortune boils”?

a) y25d g49h

b) m49y e25u

c) l16r y09r

d) k49g d25u

e) h49g d25u

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e) h49g d25u Pattern:

Number: (Number of letter count)2

1st letter: 1st letter +2


5. In given code language, what does the code “v25j u64i” stands for?

a) speaking tamil

b) truth express

c) welcome world

d) speaking truth

e) None of these

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d) speaking truth Pattern:

Number: (Number of letter count)2

1st letter: 1st letter +2



In a certain code language,

No man is an island’ is written as ‘Mat neat rat zoo river’

Practice makes perfect’ is written as ‘Kind nothing kite’

Easy come go’ is written as ‘villa xian tent’

6. How “man” is written in the code language?

a) Mat

b) Rat

c) Neat

d) River

e) Cannot be determined

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c) Neat 

Pair  ->     A B C D E F G H I J K L M

                Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N

All words are coded using the above logic

Ex: If a word starting wiath N(No) should be coded with a pair of N i.e. (M is a pair of N)

       No  -> Mat


7. “Xian” is coded for which word?

a) easy

b) come

c) go

d) man

e) Cannot be determined

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b) come

Pair  ->     A B C D E F G H I J K L M

                Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N

All words are coded using the above logic

Ex: If a word starting wiath N(No) should be coded with a pair of N i.e. (M is a pair of N)

       No  -> Mat

8. If ‘god is love’ is written as ‘tit river orange’ then how will be “island” is written in that language?

a) Mat

b) Neat

c) Rat

d) zoo

e) Cannot be determined

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c) Rat

Pair  ->     A B C D E F G H I J K L M

                Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N

All words are coded using the above logic

Ex: If a word starting wiath N(No) should be coded with a pair of N i.e. (M is a pair of N)

       No  -> Mat

9. What may be the code for “Picture Pot” in the language?

a) Kind kit

b) Kite kid

c) Nothing kid

d) kit kid

e) Cannot be determined

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d) kit kid

Pair  ->     A B C D E F G H I J K L M

                Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N

All words are coded using the above logic

Ex: If a word starting wiath N(No) should be coded with a pair of N i.e. (M is a pair of N)

       No  -> Mat

10. How “Punjab tomorrow” may be written in the language?

a) Good kind

b) goat Kelvin

c) good goat

d) None of these

e) kite goat

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b) goat Kelvin

Pair  ->     A B C D E F G H I J K L M

                Z Y X W V U T S R Q P O N

All words are coded using the above logic

Ex: If a word starting wiath N(No) should be coded with a pair of N i.e. (M is a pair of N)

       No  -> Mat