Tips to Solve the Rearrangement of sentences- Exercise and Practice questions for Sentence Rearrangement – Part 1

Tips to Solve the Rearrangement of sentences
Exercise and Practice questions for Sentence Rearrangement – Part 1
Exercise 1:
A. If China is the world’s factory, India has become the world’s outsourcing centre -keeping in line with the image.
B. But, India’s future depends crucially on its ability to compete fully in the creative economy- not just in and software, but across design and entrepreneurship; arts, culture and entertainment; and the knowledge based professions of medicine, finance and law.
C. While its creative asset outstrip those of other emerging competitors India must address several challenges to increase its international competitiveness as the world is in the midst of a sweeping transformation.
D. This transformation is evident in the fact that the world is moving from an industrial economy to a creative economy that generates wealth by harnessing intellectual labour, intangible goods and human creative capabilities.
E. Its software industry is the world’s second-largest, its tech outsourcing accounts for more than half of the $300 billion global industry, according to a technology expert.
F. If the meeting of world leaders at Devos is any indication, India is rapidly becoming an economic `rock star’. (IBPS PO CWE 2012)
Tips to solve the Arrangements,
It starts with a commentary on the growth of India’s economy by referring to recognition of its economic growth at Devos. It is a sort of a dramatic opening meant to attract the viewers to read more.
F is followed by statement on outsourcing in sentence A. This is to justify the use of the word economic rockstar referred to in sentence A by the words `the image’.
Now E is the third sentence which elaborates on the status of software and outsourcing. The key word outsourcing provides a link between A and E.
Now the author makes his observation by expressing a reservation, in B.
Then C further expands the ` creative economy’.
D follows C through the key word transformation.
Sentence D is also the summary comment on the importance of creative economy and thus is the concluding sentence.
Exercise 2:
(A) The history of mankind is full of such fightings between communities, nations and
(B) From the primitive weapons of warfare, man has advanced to the modern nuclear
(C) Ever since the dawn of civilization, man has been fighting with man.
(D) A modern war is scientific in character, but the effect is the same, wiping human
existence out of this earth.
(E) The only difference now seems to be in the efficiency of the instruments used for
killing each other.
Answer: C, A, D, E, B )
Exercise 3:
(A) A case in point is the programme involving the Sardar Sarovar Dam which would
displace about 2,00000 people.
(B) Critics decry the fact that a major development institution appears to absorb more
capital than it distributes to borrowers.
(C) For all its faults, critics however, concede that the bank remains a relatively
efficient instrument for distribution of development aid money.
(D) One of the key complaints focuses on this non profit bank’s recent “profitability”.
(E) Although the lives of millions of people around the globe have been improved by
the bank’s activities, it is now under fire.
(F) The bank is also being blamed for large-scale involuntary resettlement to make
way for dams and other construction projects.
Answer: B, A, E, D, F, C
Exercise 4:
(A) While doing so, we may also correct any distortions that we may discern.
(B) With all our experience and insight, we should be able to visualize them well in
(C) The celebration of the 50th anniversary of the country’s independence is a historic
(D) Also, it is a time to consolidate on the gains that we have made.
(E) But, most of all, it is a time to gear up for the opportunities and challenges that lie
(F) It is a time to introspect and evaluate what we have achieved in the last five
Answer: C, F, D, E, B, A
Exercise 5:
(A) This conviction remained with her all her life.
(B) Within minutes, his desire had been fulfilled.
(C) From the moment of his birth, his mother was convinced that Sigmund had been
born to fulfill a destiny.
(D) once he complained that his young sister’s piano practising disturbed him.
(E) He demanded that the instrument should go out of the house.
(F) It coloured her relationship with him to an extraordinary degree.
Answer: C, A, F, D, E, B